Danson Macabre

Dude. Nobody shines in GJI!. Its the hellhole of this site.

I personally am just waiting for the McConlightenment.

Freaks & Geeks, beyond any doubt. Of course, it would have to be a 17-years-later kinda deal, but more of that series would be just fantastic.

The more I think about Lincoln, the more I realize it's one of my favorite films, and definitely my favorite historical film (except for maybe Amadeus, and that stretches the definition of a historical film).

Yoda? Obi-Wan? I fell asleep during New Hope

Any of the ABC family sitcoms, and we used to watch Agent Carter before it was cancelled. Beyond that, we (the family) mostly just catches up using Hulu or Netflix.

Man With A Plan
Dr. Ken
My first time in the Cancellation League, since I missed the last couple of times! Thanks for pulling all this together, Franko.

Shelley Driftwood is one of the GOAT characters.

For me, the August Lindt will always be his crowning achievement. It's probably either that, or the end of the first Dalton Wilcox CBB episode that I've laughed the hardest at.
"Get your shit together, Denver!"

Hey! I like the visual design of a lot of the characters!

Ah. To be fair to Todd, he does sometimes have articles open to comment on, usually big stuff like Game of Thrones or, more recently I think hes been doing Night Of. I can see where Vox is coming from, considering the inherently polarizing nature of a lot of news, but I don't really agree with it. by the end of the

Is he really being wasted? I don't know about you guys, of course, but I still really like his work there.

I believe James Poniezowik (tv critic for the NY Times) wrote something about the best order to watch both, like the first 2 episodes of Made in America, then the first 6 People vs OJ, and so on. I don't remember it exactly, but I'm itching to try it out.

I did see an ad once where it was just a black and white picture of Melissa McCarthy with the caption "DEARLY BELOVED MISSED BY HER FANS"

Now that I got a dozen, I can get a free A7F comment! Hooray!

To be fair, Alison Janney did get a nomination for Mom.

I'm really glad. OTGW hit all my buttons for an animated series, and the music was definitely part of that. Really happy to be able to own it now.

That feels like the only comprehensible thing you've ever commented
keep on doing god's work

Somewhat unrelated, but since I recently caught up on Show Me a Hero: Bernthal is great as Sussman, really shows his range.

Man, I'm just really bummed that there won't be coverage of CB!B! anymore. I mostly use Netflix to catch up, but these reviews have been some of the most fun I've read here. Same thing goes for Black-ish. LaToya, your reviews have been some of the best on this website.