Danson Macabre

That's a good point. I felt the show did still have some heart, but mostly only with Maeby and George Sr.

Well, I thought that was the greatest joke they ever did. You enter the show thinking Michael will be the straight/sane man in a family of lunatics, but it eventually turns out he's just as bad (with the same thing happening, though much less pronounced, with Lindsay). By the 4th season everyone is so warped as

I don't know. I suggested it the other day to the family, and we started watching it. We turned it off rather quickly; nobody really liked. It seemed really exaggerated and, like my dad said, "it wasn't going anywhere quick." I might try rewatching on my own, but I would really like to watch it as a family.

What I both really want and don't want is for the Grinder to accept it's probable cancellation, and turn the situation into something completely insane, like if the malpractice story thread turned out to actually be a huge conspiracy. It'd be both spectacular and a jarring tone shift. Basically, what this show could

This is actually the first time I watched an episode of Black-ish (family couldn't decide what to watch, this was one, we had wanted to start watching the show anyway…). If the show keeps up this sort of pace, we might have to make it part of our regular viewing. Absolutely fantastic.


I watched it for the first time last night!
and holy fuck it was amazing

They're saving that one for the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt porno.

Only a (da)nube would think otherwise.

…some DC Comics D-Lister like…Aquaman…
Low blow, AV Club. Low blow.

The Kidz Bop version of Anaconda is gonna be horrifying.

*Fred almost gets wrongly convicted of killing a prostitute*

As if Dana Motherfuckin' Scully would be scared of an AP class

My sister, who's in middle school, has tons of friends who watch Friends, and once when seniors from the high school were in charge of a class they just showed an episode of Friends.

Mulder's Adventures in Wonderland

Dikachu's a tattletale! Dikachu's a tattletale!

Hey! I like how he looks!

that's fair

I did nothing BUT marathon it. It kinda removed me from the horror of the bunker (especially that "weird sex stuff" line; it gets lost among all the other memorable lines).

What about Wishbone? That's the one I'll remember.