Danson Macabre

Or maybe Alex had a specific role in mind that, once they passed, never made it to screen.

despite it being about a survivor of abuse and being locked inside a bunker.

This better be great, Andy Daly.


Their only Coen brothers movies they have are Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers.
That's a pretty darn big problem.

Well. That was pretty much perfect. An insanely good finale for an insanely good show. I never could've possibly dreamed a show like this would be on Disney XD of all places. Thank you Alex Hirch, and everyone else involved. I was only able to watch part of this episode, near the end, but it was still beautiful and

What's On Tonight

Pretty sure it said they were Gwen Ihnat's kids in the WOT yesterday

Not enough Regina King this week, but she was still astounding in her few scenes.

wait is this the real Adam F. Goldberg

It's always a pleasure to see a taste test by you, Dannis. Your articles are great, though the title is somewhat misleading.

Music THIS, Paul McCartney:

The AV Club

Man, I love your username. One of my very, very favorite shows.

Okay, I'll try a couple more. But that title sequence is horrid.

Ehhh. My friends tried to get me into this show, but I'm pretty sure they don't really acknowledge the camp aspect. (Fun fact: one of them wants to be the first guy to fuck an alien.) Watched the first episode, didn't really like it at all.

I thought it was "He was just being a thug"? Either way, you're totally right about it.

Honestly I think the cuts to black are more of an artistic thing than anything else. Yeah, it's a network requirement, but a simple bleep would've brought me out of the show's atmosphere much more than the cuts to black. It works for me, at least.

You can only hope it was a mistake and Pilot hit the wrong button, because this episode was fantastic.

The bleeping throughout the episode - why would bleep the 'hole' but not 'ass'? And why can't they say 'dick' if it's already TV-14? American Crime, man.