Danson Macabre

The header image is my new screensaver.

Came here to say the same thing. Bernie was absolutely fantastic, and he was much more restrained in that.

Stridefather Ted

Watched that over the weekend, along with Bernie. Thought it was very funny, even if Zeta-Jones is kinda a let-down.

Well, I don't think that's totally the implication. Sure, in context, that's pretty much what he's saying. However, he's saying it as a more general statement too. At least, I hope.

While I was watching, I thought it was heavy-handed but very much necessary at the same time in today's society.

Hey! I got my black belt from a suburban small-business dojo!


Wow. I haven't finished watching the X-Files in total, but I've already seen all Morgan's episodes, and he never disappoints. Jeez. I really hope the other episodes could be even half as good as this.

Freud himself said it probably signified that one spends two much time commenting on entertainment websites about largely insignificant and/or unlikely things.

pretty sure I have a VHS of this somewhere.

Where is my Channing Tatum poster

I very much agree with this sentiment. Hoping it'll be great.

Official mascot uniform: Dikachu

Guess it won't go well in flyover country either!
*audience laughs for a full minute*

I felt the same, until I watched episodes 6 & 7 ("Babylon" and "Red in the Face"), and it all just clicked together. Though the fourth episode is a Pete episode (and features Alison Brie!), so that might improve your opinion of him.

It's pronounced Ioway if you live there, Iowa if you don't.

its a movie but sure why not

Hey! We're just big-boned, mister.

Definitely Fargo. That opening score gets me every time.