Danson Macabre

did you happen to miss the entire Urban Legend series

My English teacher is making us read Watchmen this year, along with like 15 other books ranging from Merchant of Venice to Stiff by Mary Roach.

why did you make me look at that

On a retreat required for graduation our retreat leader showed us Stand By Me. Half the kids were talking about the Family Guy parody. (we all still thought it was great)

*pokes A Winged Potato in the nose*

well, he was gonna, but they didn't have enough budget for his ideas. So instead they made…uh…Fear Her.

"Well…OK? I guess I can get behind this?"

nice thumbnail/comment synergy

Plus he had those really good episodes from the Davies era, like "Blink" and "Girl in the Fireplace".

I'm glad he finally did so. I think Moffat was much better at singular episodes, like "Heaven Sent" this season, then overarching plots (see: seasons 6 & 7). And Chibnall's written…? What episodes? At least Moffat got some of the best episodes made, the creepy kid two parter and "Girl in the Fireplace" before his

My friend: "The one on the right is a sexy man, and the one on the left is complete trash."


This looks both adorable and hilarious.
Also, Will Forte!

In somewhat related news, Hulu, along with Shawn Ryan, is working on a remastered version of the Shield in HD.

Chicago DMV

guess this guy never got to
bop to the top

welp guess I'm never taking US History now

Wow, after reading this review I really want to see YA genre Starship Troopers. At least something good came out of this movie.

here we go again, always putting down these poor oppressed desert plants. have you no shame, man?

there's no need to be that stiff about it