That ball is on the corner so you need to swing, don’t leave your fate up to the ump to call a borderline pitch in your favor.
That ball is on the corner so you need to swing, don’t leave your fate up to the ump to call a borderline pitch in your favor.
More raisist than sexist but whatever.
“Pfft, I can’t see the muscle,” the TSA agent continued sadly, eating his doughnut and trying to see past his oversized belly to where his dick is.
a journeyman catcher who inexplicably became a Chicago folk hero despite only playing two seasons with the Cubs (after inexplicably becoming a Boston folk hero despite only playing two seasons with the Red Sox)?
Yeah - because if Kobe was known for anything, it was his self awareness and sense of humor.
Joey is the likable heel of baseball, ala The Rock from the early 2000s.
“I remember when you used to be good” is a hell of a heckle to someone who would be the best hitter on your own team.
“What are you reading?”
The jokes on Votto. That Indians fan was never thin.
I think this whole fad would go away quickly if we could go back to calling them “toy helicopters” instead of drones
Hi. Canada here. We’re just going to go ahead and build our wall now, k?
he did hit him, but i mean, that is the universal sign for fastball inside corner as well...
So what? Your point is still completely undercut by the fact that nationally there WAS sympathy for Cubs fans. Actually, it underscores it further...even after the ‘85 Bears, the Jordan dynasty, and the recent Blackhawks, people still felt sorry for Cubs fans and wanted them to win a title even though the city had…
Yeah, no one has ever expressed sympathy over the Cubs...
Maybe he misunderstood when they asked him to come into the box.
Oh, like you’d know anything about being forced out of the NFL due to your outspoken political beliefs. Stick to commenting!
Shitty domestic light beers are awesome after any sort of physical activity, such as an ice hockey game, doing yard work, or making sweet love to your significant other.
It’s wrong yes but it happens and he should work on it to correct it. I will admit it was always a go to insult for men who are now in our 30's-40's etc.
Yes, I notice all those ‘cowering targets’ out there—the ones that just elected the Oaf in the Oval Office.
McCain is a fraud. Anything he says means nothing.