
I’m sure I’ll be not popular for saying this, but I really wish I can bring my kids, who are 10 and 8, to see these super hero movies. Wonder Woman looks amazing but I read there are some scenes that I am not sure I am ok with my kids seeing. Namely, that Chris Pine is basically naked and covers his hands to his

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

“The real question here is who gives a shit about what Stern has to say anymore.”

It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.

1995 - 1997 - “Too colorful!!!” (For Batman)

Such a dumb decision. I mean, greek statues are anatomically correct elsewhere too. Would you put genitals on them as well? Just silly looking. And do you put nipples on Batgirl’s suit?

Racheting up that high horse a few more notches, eh?

One thing I will say, I have a friend who is from Yugoslavia, her family came in as refugees in the 90s. And HRC was directly responsible for helping to convince Bill Clinton to go ahead with the bombing. So this girl has a passionate, virulent hatred for HRC, not because of her politics, but because of something

You can live with someone whose beliefs about how the government ought to allocate funds and what type of diplomatic approach the US should take with [foreign nation] differ from your own.

Are most Eastern European immigrants and late 80's rap stars Trump enthusiasts?

In other totally accurate news that is not at all borne of people trying to scoop each other, the 2023 Reds have accepted President Chris Rock’s invitation to the Black House to celebrate their World Championship over Las Vegas. Winning pitcher and Center Fielder Hunter Greene is reportedly very excited to meet not

So you’re suggesting that rather than just be an easter egg for the fans, Spider-man got out of costume and joined a throng of gawkers to take pictures of his own handiwork on his phone?

He molested a little girl for 2 years. That child was sexually assaulted from ages 4-6 years old. The only reason the sexual assault stopped was because he was caught. 2 years. 2 fucking years. Go ahead and stay on that wobbly high horse


Bloodshot looks like Mr. Data.

...and THAT’S what you took from this story?

You are officially “that guy”.

Your opinion is that people are more likely to click on this article because they thought the items were stolen off his dying body instead of his dead corpse....

They seem equally awful to me.
This doesn’t seem like intentionally pumping anything up.

Lol, of course the first comment is the “BUT WOMEN JUDGE MEN ON THEIR HEIGHT” guy.