
Yes, I do.

You know who else looked good as a back coming off the bench? Brock Osweiler.

But he’s not a franchise QB; he’s a guy they think could be a franchise QB. Those guys actually are dime a dozen — just ask the Browns!

Enough. If we want to move forward in repairing out democracy, we need to stop with out fascination with celebrity and star power. Articles like this are part of the problem. I hope our next president is charisma-free. I hope he’s is boring and uninspiring. That’s why I support Roman Reigns in 2024.

Even though 2024 is still seven years away, Cena fans would still only be about 15 years-old. Rock would win in a landslide.

“Green has been superlative in these playoffs, leading the Warriors in rebounds, assists, blocks, and steals, while chipping in 15 points a game and shooting better than 50 percent from three.”

“his outsized ‘Dark Knight’ persona. One teammate described a ‘sense of alienation’ that Harvey created around himself.”

These are the worst John Lennon parody lyrics ever.

If there’s a god, this means that the Mets’ Brief Ryan Howard Experiment is just starting...

How does it feel to cheer for a man to have his life ruined, when his only crime is being kind of a dick on a team you don’t like?

“If your going to critique, at least be accurate.”

Pittsburgh: Hold my beer, Boston.

it’s from Europe

If you rearrange the letters and leave out a lot of them and add an extra W, it says “I played for Washington in game two.”

How do you leave a toaster on? What kind of fancy ass toaster you using?

Believe me, nobody wanted Hillary to win more than Donald Trump.

Well, people modify their $50,000 diesel truck to burn more $5/gal diesel fuel to belch smoke to strike a blow for the little guy against the small-car driving, bicycling and pedestrian elites. Or something like that.

What is the point of rolling coal? Is it just redneck douche bravado? Do they think it impresses anyone? I don’t get it.

Of course throwing at Machado’s head was awful but does anybody really think that was intentional rather than Barnes fucking up in his location?

Yeah if long trots after home runs were a justification for throwing at someone, Ortiz would be responsible for the death of everyone ever associated with the Red Sox