
It’s interesting and a bit weird whenever a celeb shaves off their famous beard.

Well actually, she’s right. The DH is an abomination.

Counterpoint: you’re wrong.

If only there were a decent quarterback who had previously led his team to the Super Bowl available on the free agent market. Someone who is, oh, I don’t know, “controversial” and thus could be had relatively cheaply.

I quite enjoyed Iron Fist. All the criticisms I’ve read seem to lack any understanding of martial arts and instead focused on proving some lame SJW points.

I’ve already corrected it.

Probably a perception that wrestling audiences are white trash losers.

What kind of name is Kavi?

just prolonging the time until they get their wieners stepped on by the Wizards baby!

Yeah, it’s one clear place they can differentiate. Having been a hero who retired, he won’t have to go through any newbie angst, either.

So the best thing would be if Cable continually blinks in and out of time, coming back as a different actor throughout the movie.

Counterpoint: Donovan McNabb

Teenage boys in trench coats have lost some cachet the last 18 years or so.

It’s not, but that’s the 80s for you.

Absolutely - I want Keaton to be throwing up scenery by the end.

I am still freaked by how hot aunt May is

Goddamnit, another “Peter gets unmasked in front of his enemy” scene.