
Strangely enough, they let this guy in.....

“You know how Petco Park and Sea World are both popular, right?......”
San Diego Tourism Board.

The miners in West Virginia will be wiping their asses with coughing up blood into $100 bills.

The logic doesn’t work when the owners are incredibly stupid.
The Kings themselves said that they turned down much better deals.

Also, the situation matters.
* The Kings had no leverage after months of fighting with Cousins.
* (Playoff) Teams are often less likely to trade for superstars with a little over a month left

They don’t seem to have a coherent plan. BUT(T).....a Nightwing movie may be in development.
I’ve never thought that was even in the realm of possibility. So that warrants some genuine excitement, people.

I can see it now.
The camera pans back on Jackman playing the Wutant, Mulverine. He extends his Radimantium claws and runs from the chaos Glabactos, the muncher of worlds. But Sally Strum, the Nonvisible Lady, rescues Mulverine with her AwesoCar.

I’m amazed that Chris Cooley still finds on-air work.
Everything he says is either stupid and wrong, or wrong and stupid.

Submitting Oz, for a contender. Someone at WCW actually thought the Wizard of Oz was good inspiration for a wrestler.

If that was true, they would have changed/dropped the gimmick, like with Mortis.
It was a terrible gimmick on a mediocre wrestler.

It was a bad gimmick, but also badly cast.
Once all the Sub-Zero gear comes off, you have a pudgy white guy with a receding hairline buzz cut.
And the gimmick needed a Japanese striker, or a high-flying luchador, but the wrestler looked like he wanted to wrestle in a traditional 80s style. So you have this video game

So this Vision series is pretty good?
I haven’t seen any coverage of it from this site.

I’m hoping that with differnet people involved, the skits will at least be entertaining if “funny” is too much to ask.
Currently, they are used in my household like commercial breaks; the only benefit is making a snack or going to pee.

Seems to be a trend with presidents, recently.

So, it’s success depends on expectations, or stations. As I just said.
You asked if anyone watches the show, and I answered that more people watch it than other superhero shows.

But i have a feeling the question was just an excuse to rant about something you don’t like, watch, know, or care about. So, my mistake in

It depends on whether a KFC opens up in Downtown DC

I don’t think at this point it could be considered “finding it’s footing”, but whatever changed coming into this season worked. And I hope it continues.
The Ghost Rider storyline was the best AoS had ever been at the time.
I expected to be let down, but the LMD episodes even better.
It’s not only the most i’ve enjoyed

Depends on what you compare it to.
Nobody is watching it compared to Walking Dead, or NCIS
But as far as superhero tv, it’s doing fine. It has much more viewers than Flash & Arrow.

Where would the brain scan/memory/personality copy come from?
They have options:
--Radcliff worked with Hive Ward, that gives them the opening.
—Also, the LMD are based on existing S.H.I.E.L.D tech, so maybe somewhere there was an older model Ward, all along. Maybe a “good” Ward, because the LMD doesn’t have his brain

I know a fair amount of Republicans.
I’ve yet to meet one with an ounce of empathy.

“We didn’t”
- 54% of American voters