

See guys. He hasn’t gotten bad at basketball because he’s old.....he’s trying to play a different sport because he’s senile.

“Winning the Powerball Lottery Won’t Solve Your Problems....unless your problems are financial.”

I thought he was dead. Was he needlessly brought back with the reboot?

but at least her arms are protected.
Safety first!

Why so serious?!

I had to google that (my Art History classes were long ago) and it’s definitely riffing on Michelangelo’s Last Judgement.

The Pro/Con of this isn’t looking good.
Reasons not to watch:
1. M. Night Shyamalan
2. no Crypt Keeper
3. one single, season long story

Jerry Jones is currently baking him a cake with a file in it.

Of course.
Johnny’s coming, and you don’t want 2 reckless, criminal, woman-beaters. That’s just bad PR.

“Never shoulda fired Harbaugh.”
This could easily be the best selling 49ers shirt ever.

He’s the coaching version of the Option offense. Looked revolutionary in 2012 for a brief moment, but doesn’t look viable now above the college level.

It’s been interesting to see Chip rid the Eagles of Andy Reids footprint, and build the team in his image and see how bad it failed. And Reid has been doing the same

TNT is the one that is Basketball & 10-year old action movies.
USA is the one with 6 hours of “Modern Family” reruns daily.

And neither instill confidence i making quality original programming.

There is only one “Tales” that i’m interested in bringing back.

I am generally a pretty tolerant person....but I think we should round up the people that don’t understand your/you’re and execute them in a mass umarked grave.

I would potentially watch that.

If you want tips on slamming people through tables, an ECW hardcore guy is the only way to go*

There are a lot of factors/stats/etc, but there are a lot of signs that Raines is criminally underrated.

Tim Raines 69.1 WAR, .385 OBP, 3,977 times on base, 24.3% 1st ballot Tony Gwynn 68.8 WAR, .388 OBP, 3,955 times on base, 97.6% 1st ballot

Classic example of the short leash African American coaches are on in American professional sports NFL. Sad.

the phrase “minor (who does look older than her years in online photos)“ should never be uttered. Suuuper trashy “OK”.