
You know....it’s not unorthodox. R.Kelly mentored Aaliyah earlier in career and it was just professional, right? It’s not like Tyga has a history of seeking out teenage girls.

That’s what I thought. The man is there to promote a movie.
I can see why he would be less than thrilled to talk about a role he did 10 years ago and a competing movie.

I can’t believe they passed over Bobby Cox.

Newspapers are dead, and sports writers are irrelevent.
But nothing about MLB indicates they are willing to admid it’s not 1950.

Does Kanye suck now? Did Kanye always suck? If not, why does he suck now? What ruined him? Was it fatherhood? Was it Kim? Was it Tyga? Is this shit going to be on the new album? Is there even a new album? If so, do I even want it?”

Correct Answer: If he doesn’t currently suck, he’s getting close. It’s been a pretty

That line was worth 11 Grammys. One per word.

Go home, Donald Trump.

The fact that I had to google Jim Caldwell does not speak well of him.

I like Dan Haren.
My team of choice was his first stop on his “my arm is blown and i’m terrible” world tour.
I hated watching him pitch, and hated having him in the rotation....but I was impressed at how blunt and honest he was with the media. I liked him as a person and hoped he’d find a way to turn it around.

If only there was some warning in the form of every Sci-fi story ever written.

“clubbing with a bottle of champagne. Last week, a video of him with a can of Four Loko
Damn, from champagne to Four Loko in a few weeks. He is really circling the drain, or just preparing for unemployment.

And for more “apples-to-apples” numbers:
The last four 49er seasons not coached by Harbaugh:26-38

I’ve heard good stuff about the coach at Michigan. They should consider him.

Buffalo must be keeping the folding table industry afloat.

I’m Brightest Timeline Dan Snyder

Out of the 9 chapters he has read or released, at least 5-6 were cut from “A Dance with Dragons”.

This has been my theory for a while.
He has no fucking plan for his storylines and he’s stalling and living the good life until the grim reaper calls. Let HBO tie up the loose ends.
As you read the books you can see his outline/plan start disintegrating. It’s why the first 3 books are so good and 4-5 is a trashcan fire

Maybe, but they may need to do more shows a year.
At the current pace of 2 series a year, having Cage/JJ2/Iron Fist between season 2 and 3 of DD would create a 2 year hiatus, which may be longer than they want.

Works for me. It was a really well done show.
If it takes time for a quality second season, I’ll wait.
She’s already a more integrated character than DD, so they may fold her into a Luke Cage show (or vice-versa) rather than do separate seasons for both every year.