
Consider it a gift.
Kai is stupid. Your child would hate you. Your friends would laugh behind your back.
You would actually be better off with Catfish or Gelatin.

I assume she’s always “rich mom drunk”.
It’s like wine day-drinking, but it starts with breakfast.

Fair enough, Cap. I feel like I keep seeing a lot of “news” articles online about the harassment, but i havent paid attention to where they’re coming from.
lol, OKC doesn’t have media or sports.

Yeah, Giants PR/NY Media are tripping over their own feet to try and justify that temper tantrum.
Tomorrow’s story: Panther equipment manager seen with water bottles; Odell feared waterboarding.

I think he’s really going to inject something special into the Marlins players.

SpiderCam, SpiderCam. Does whatever a spider can.

The cartoon kid with a pet tiger?

If this is a defense of someone, it’s probably the worst i’ve ever seen.
If you were a lawyer, your client would be strapped to a chair of the electric variety right now.

Was it an American show? I’m 33 and i’ve never even heard of the name.

Wow. I thought it would take more time to work out the trade than that. BP and his family is deep in the local community, he has no-trade clauses, etc.
I wish he was a lefty, but we’ll take him.

I do miss their flirting/chemistry.
But they are giving us Schmidt & CeCe, so it takes away the sting.
I am going to miss Coach; I feel like the last season they finally nailed the characterizations of Coach & Bishop and how to make them work in the same scenes.
But I will watch just for surly grandpa Nick, and

At least he has another job to fall back on

Boom. +1

“I’ll get crucified for saying this, but...”
may be the new
“I’m not racist, but...”

Yep. Don’t encourage me.

I’m no Eagles fan, and I generally like to pity root for the Bills, but the dickish bad karma of Rex and LeSean have definitely earned them this loss and sitting home in the playoffs.

I guess they weren’t far off last year, they were around .500.
But it feels like the Padres last year, where it looks like they are going to kinda “go for it” with a couple big additions but not have a sturdy enough team to be a contender and they end up in limbo of a “Meh” team, payroll, and farm system.

Lakers fans had a large presence in the Verizon center. Lakers fans are dicks. In other news, water is wet.
It’s the same for most Nationals and Redskin games. Less than 40% of DC residents were born or grew up here, so there is no strong fan base. People arrive with decades of allegiance of other teams, and they keep

Considering they were working Jaguars & 49ers games, I think the NFL was already trying to hide them.

“Look, I’m far from a homer” always proceeds logic-gymnastics to defend someone/something undefendable.