“As long as he doesn’t break the law or hurt another person”
Wasn’t he already in the doghouse for drunk driving and beating his girlfriend?
“As long as he doesn’t break the law or hurt another person”
Wasn’t he already in the doghouse for drunk driving and beating his girlfriend?
Good to see Hurricane Helms finding work.
Damn, mid 50’s Alan Jackson looks exactly like my uncle....
I came to make an Alan Jackson joke, and stayed for your username
As a mets fan I reserve the right to simultaneously be an incredibly rude, cocky asshole and also a sad-sack martyr that bashes the team. Fuck yeah we’re the worst fans in baseball!
That happens to me sometimes, as well
Sometimes that happens to me.
That happens to me sometimes, too.
In his defense, I don’t know how to pronounce meme; it’s one of those words that you see (usually on the internet) but rarely hear.
And i dont even have the excuse of being busy becoming the best athlete in a particular sport.
It’s such garbage that they only do the “trouble at home/distraction” angle with celebrity girlfriends. Eli Manning has been garbage for most of his career and nobody ever suggests he is having domestic problems.
Maybe it’s me, but I found the microphone being held to her butt as the wierdest part of this.
Hit the ball, or the tee, or not the side of her ass.
It’s risky, but she may not have known the “stunt” was being done with the worlds worst golfer.
I bet the other candidates are going to be fighting hard today for his 0.2-0.3% of the vote.
They may have to get rid of the kids table debate soon.
I do like that Jindal boy. It doesn’t matter to me that he’s Indian.... excuse, me.. I mean “Native American”
Indeed. That is A+ insult game right there.
Russell is low profile. White people like their black athletes like 1950s children “seen but not heard”.
Take your pills and go to bed, grandpa. You’re starting to lose it.
Maybe. I’m sure I didn’t see more than a year or two of his career, I just remember him having like a 4:1 interception to TD ratio at some point. I feel like there was a QB carosel of Vick, Glennan, and Taylor for a little while and they all seemed like trainwrecks.
But I was casually watching the games, so I’m sure I…
In Tony’s defense, Washington just won the division a couple years ago—-in a slightly less mediocre NL East—after going 3-6.
So it’s not impossible, but his team didn’t help him much; even 2-5 would have put them in a decent place.
“SIDS fucking terrifies me”
Absolutely. My child is 8 months old, and I check on her throughout the night and during every nap, and make sure she’s breathing.
I’ve done it for 200+ days, and i’ll probably do it for at least another 200.
Of course after reading this, I’m now terrified of her naps at daycare.