Spiff up your wheels? The only thing wrong with my Tacoma is peeling paint on the wheels, and the radio volume control won’t work (so I just keep it loud). Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Spiff up your wheels? The only thing wrong with my Tacoma is peeling paint on the wheels, and the radio volume control won’t work (so I just keep it loud). Don’t judge a book by its cover.
It was not nearly this bad back in the 70s when I started driving. I ‘stole’ my mom’s car when I was 15, having only a learners permit it was illegal for me to drive alone. My mom was way too high strung to teach me - she’d be jamming on the brakes over in the passenger seat. So one day I snuck the car out, promptly…
Firefighters are “burning goodwill”, too. The whole LEO environment, fire fighters, dispatchers and paramedics included are exposed to the dredges of humanity. 100% of the ones I know are affected by this, including my sister, step-father, and one of my best friends all became jaded, and anti government conservatives.…
When I was in the Army in the early ‘80s I was the LT’s track commander, and as such his jeep driver. Those M151's could barely hit 55 mph pedal floored. I think they had governors on them. They roll so easy that they were death traps, there is no protection in collisions and you better be good with a manual. They…
Come on, it was an 88 Fiero. My bestie had one, and I thought it was junk.
It’s not worth your life.
It’s a Tracker, and that’s why I ignore them.
Sports cars do not have 4 doors, no matter how much you want them to. “There’s the way things are, and there’s the way things ought to be. You’ll be better off focusing on the former.”
In this case it’s clearly a problem of having both too much money, and a lawyer who knows that. She should have given more of her money to cancer research, and less to the airlines for first class tickets.
There’s an old tradition of doing this at 14 y/o just about anywhere in rural America. I got pulled over after stealing my mom’s car.
Get a dirt bike, and don’t be such a nerd.
I’m sorry but 3750 pounds is not lightweight for a sports car. Maybe for a muscle car, but that’s what makes them different than a sports car in the first place.
It comes with a box full of parts.
Anything less than 2% is not noticeable.
There’s gonna be a war, but it will be bloodless. As long as the whales allow it to be.
My god these LEOs have gotten weird. Do they have no self awareness whatsoever? Have some humility already. Everything is about image, and not substance. They cosplay as soldiers, every small town in America has a swat team, and that’s not hyperbole.
Simple answer is no, not if you supply all the labor. Labor is not cheap.
Does ‘Critical Steering Issues’ remind anyone of the red ring of death?
Obviously designed for the world of Mad Max where nothing ever breaks.
Why do people think ‘scientists’ are different forms of human beings? They’re just like the rest of us, with their own share of knuckleheads. If I’ve learned anything in life its that if you take a large enough group of people, there are gonna be fools. No exceptions.