Thumbs up to referencing usenet, old man. You are a true pioneer.
Thumbs up to referencing usenet, old man. You are a true pioneer.
Even if the problem goes away on its own, it’s still a safety issue. This vehicle is a hot mess.
As a demonstration of how pathetic AI is, there is a common pesticide called Permethrin SFR. Go ask chat GPT what the mix ratio is for application to plants. It will get it wrong over and over and over. This is simple stuff, right off the label. Its not only wrong, but it gives several magnitudes of over dosage. Now…
Musk is a fool with money. Of course we’ve all heard the saying, a fool and his money are soon parted. The fact that this hasn’t happened yet shows you how stacked the system is. When some people fail, their bottom is higher than our top.
That Ferrari 812 looks a lot like the “next” corvette. How did that happen?
I purchased for $18k a brand new red TJ, w/ the I6 and a manual, hard top and doors, new from the dealer the year they released. A 2" lift and a soft top for summer and mudder tires set me back another $1500. What it did well, it did really well. Take the top down, and door off, drive around town cruising, there is no…
I watch him routinely, and believe me. This project cost a mint. You think boats are money sinks?
When the Tesla Model S started showing up on the roads, it looked like every other car. They are blah.
Paint it any color than what you have.
Every generation says that, you know. Just saying...
Hail is most definitely different than snow and sleet. Three different things, and the NWS knows. If they recorded trace snow, it was snow. We get 60 degree swings in Minnesota sometimes. Rare, but it happens.
It is still anything but honorable to steal from someone only one time. If your moral compass doesn’t get you there, then maybe an old saying will do it. There is no honor among thieves.
Because there in nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Its a can of worms, so they left it out. Remember, they were in a hurry when they did this.
I’ve got a 2003 Mazda Protege 5 that looks just like it, parked right next to my house, with 85k miles on it. It needs coil packs, but besides that its nice EXCEPT, it is completely rusted out. That’s why you don’t see these things anymore. They rust. They rust so bad and so fast, you don’t even want to put money into…
They’ve got you hook line an sinker. All good conmen make you think they did for a good reason. The word is CONfidence. Not gullible.
She stole someone’s identity to take advantage of her fellow immigrants. She’s not a hero, or even a hard worker. She cheats.
Really? Because I use to work at a school bus dealership, and diesel busses were VERY rare.
Haven’t you learned by now that LEOs has different rules?
When I was in West Germany in the 80s, we moved our tanks around on trains on occasion, called a rail movement. At one of the railheads, there was this greasy shack with a KFC logo on top of it. It sold the greasiest chicken I even ate in my life. That stuff was nasty, and I was far far from home, so likely a little…
Not a surprise to me at all. It looks like a Camaro from the front.