
As a Canadian, I recognize that we are able to have the longest undefended border in the world because of American military might and policy and that our relative lack of national defenses is possible because of the deterrent of our neighbour to the south with the 3rd largest military in the world who doesn’t really

Our world is so fucked I came here hopeful that a simple draft of one of life’s great simple pleasures would be a distraction. To find out the first overall pick went to fucking COFFEE ice cream. Coffee is great and ice cream is great, but it’s pretty rare for a combination of two great things to produce something

Peanut butter is another flavor too strong to go in anything.

It’s an absolutely disgusting TV show. The episode they did on Hooters was REALLY something else, as the CEO was absolutely stunned to see one of the restaurant managers engage in sexist behavior towards his employees. The whole “I would have never expected something like this at a Hooters of all places,” completely

Do you like ketchup on your burger? Then it belongs on your burger.

I’m with you on the tomatoes - too slippery for comfortable burger eating.

I will not put ketchup on burgers at home because I season/marinate the meat the way I like it. At the pretty well know burger joint near me, you might get kicked out for doing that as well.

If Papa can get away with this crap, why isn’t Domino’s pushing nachos through their pizza oven conveyor belts?

Worst. Mascot. Ever.

Amazing. I was thinking of this and scrolled down. There it its.


Who wants to spend all that time waiting for them to brine?? What are you staring at the fridge for 12 hours???

The thought of ever going on enough first dates to have a “first date power move” is actually terrifying. I just don't understand some people.

Because they have the meats. 

Butter Distribution Etiquette, obviously.


I grew up on omakase dining, only Mom just called it “you eat what’s for dinner or you go hungry.” When you give it a Japanese name, it becomes fancy and expensive.

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Sign says all you can eat, not eat all!!!