
the Green Dragon was my go to for MANY a year, until the oil-based vape pens came around. I still hearken back to the days of making it, feeling like a mad chemist, but DAMN did it make the whole house reek of bud. I used it when i traveled for business, and never had any questions arise. 1 to 2 drops of that goodness

you’d be surprised. there are people i know that are 40+ (like me) with FANTASTIC metabolism (not like me) that could easily have that as a snack and not worry one iota about it. the damn jealously.....

Clearly Eric Bischoff. (No one will get this reference, but I am still making it!)

Username does not match response. Obvious glitch in the matrix...

Username does not match response. Obvious glitch in the matrix...

The hero reply this called for. Thank you.

I STILL have that dream, even after graduating from college over 20 years ago.

Thanks for sharing, Michael Scott.

Yeah, your full belly of all that super healthy oil that you fried them in. Like, we brine turkeys ahead of Thanksgiving because of how much of an improvement it makes, and when you are planning for something, its OK to prep beforehand. So since I know I’ll be getting DOWN on some wings tomorrow, I have no problem

Maybe have one while you’re feasting on some Coney Island Whitefish

Came to the comments for this reference, left satisfied.

*Subjectively. That’s like me saying “Mushrooms are objectively gross. Who would willingly eat fungus?” But clearly the evidence speaks for itself, since both mushrooms and mayo are popular and are part of many dishes. All I can do is post, “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

Related story: My father in law passed away very suddenly on Dec 27th, just hours after my family (myself, wife, and 2 kids) had just arrived in Vegas for a holiday vacation that was our family Christmas present. He lived in England, and so we immediately had to scramble to get back home to CA and get my wife

I think you meant a surfboard, not skateboard.

Yeah, and I see you didn’t fully read the actual post either:

I say po-tay-toe, you say poh-tah-toe, I guess. I grew up in the Midwest, lived in NYC, and currently live in CA. Every single “thin crust” or tavern style pizza I have ever had has NEVER had a true ring of crust around the outside. Its just mostly flaky/crispy, not doughy like a “classic” pie. And again, no one is

I mean, I get what you are trying to say, but really:

Holy. Fucking. Shit.  Give me all of that, right now.

“But the crust on good tavern-style pizza is fucking phenomenal.”