
This video is literally linked in the story, so . . .

The Astros have cheerleaders???

Let’s remember some guys

I’d love to see this play with commentary by Richard Attenborough:

Surely Drew will be excited to see this.

The headline currently reads:

I have all the Python stuff on DVD, but it’s now on Netflix!

Any job featured on old episodes of Insomniac With Dave Attell.

When people say that their taste matures, they are referring to their exposure and acclimation to a broader and broader array of foods and flavors. They aren’t literally referring to the objective ability of their sense of taste. It’s a figure of speech.

I’m 99% certain that’s a picture of Jim Cornette. 

Yes, really. The point of choosing this course, of getting together a team to give him favorable conditions that are all but categorically impossible in an open race, intentionally creating better-than-ideal conditions is to see if, even under those constraints, a marathon under 2 hours was at all possible. When you

We never did this in my house, with one exception. My mom LOVED the “mild” sauce at Taco Bell. When we would go, she would always stuff about 20 into the takeout bag for when we made tacos at home.

Frontera is great. I’m also a big fan of Mrs. Renfro’s, which I assumed was widespread enough to make this taste test. Guess not.

Gotta come back here and apologize; I was wrong.

Something ironic about a basketball coach in Washington telling the Governor of California what he should be doing and at the same time reminding him to “stay in his lane,” unless the job description for the Gonzaga basketball coach includes a part-time faculty position in the Poly Sci department teaching US

You did the right thing.

Yeah, if I have to choose between general human rights for several million Chinese residents and a few billion dollars for 30-some NBA owners, I think I’m going to stand for the human rights.

We are strongly dissatisfied and we oppose Silver’s claim to support Morey’s right of free expression.

I operate under: “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” 

Sounds like the NBA needs a little Tegrity.