
Ggood. Fuck Tilman and the Rockets at the same time fuck sensitive ass China too...and while we're at it Chino XL fuck you too!!

Are you actually gatekeeping bladder control?

Three issues the NFLPA has to go ride or die on in the next CBA:

I hear there's a nice, empty one in San Francisco bay that the federal government already owns. There are buildings on it and everything. 

You drop one firebomb on your own city killing a bunch of people and burning down an entire block of houses, and people NEVER let you forget about it.

This sounds similar to the Everson Griffen situation from last year. Mack’s quote kind of confirms that in my opinion.

Something about his shape and the color of the uniform makes the the Western Union logo look like the McDonald’s arches when you scroll through quickly.
I’m also now convinced that in a better timeline McDonald’s sponsors the Nuggets. 

The ball appeared to simultaneously strike Taylor and the knob of the bat

Are you at least from the UK? Cause just deciding one day to use “bruv” if you aren’t English seems like a bit on an affectation.

Pfft, I use “man” to refer to everything, women, babies, dogs, birds, inanimate objects I'm irrationally angry at.

wink wink, nudge nudge, know what i mean?

I will die upon the Hill of Dude. I am a man who came of age in the 80's when Dudes were Dudes and Bro’s had not yet harshed our Dudeness. A Dude is a man of relaxed character and mellow disposition, The Dude was called so for a reason.

It’s easy to make fun of Guy Fieri. Fun too. But the dude fed the firefighters and victims in the recent fires in Northern California and does a lot of other philanthropic work. Also, I would eat the f*** out of that kemosabe roll.

Fucking lawyers, cant even break their rants into paragraphs.

This long paragraph without line breaks is itself a performance art critique of legal writing. 

“Can we just not. Thanks.

I’ve worked in TV, radio, and an ad agency over the last ten-plus years, just so you know what I’m about to describe isn’t just coming out of my ass, based on nothing:

How do we know YOU aren't a bear?!? I bet this conspiracy goes all the way to the top! 

“You should never lead with your head like that”

This data sounds a lot like my girlfriend. You wouldn’t know her, she lives in Canada.