
Just be glad she didn’t order a Coldcut, Unpasteurized cheese, No Tomato.

In the wallet, ‘cuz women be shoppin’, eh eh eh?

Gruden looked at the situation and punted the ball away. The Raiders had given up.

This comment keeps it copacetic. And Our Lady Peace fucking ripped until Spiritual Machines. Then I kinda lost track of them.

The most underrated 90s band is either Local H or Our Lady Peace.
The end.

Wait till you have kids.

The DMV is the Department of Motor Vehicles for all but <2% of the American population.

I like how the focus is on Magic and LeBron and Anthony Davis...when Kawhi was the most guilty of tampering with the PG13 thing.

It’s a reverse "Major League" situation, the owner is trying to get the Miami Dolphins to play so bad they forever replace the Cleveland Browns as the butt of bad NFL team jokes

Also, when we were teens in the 90's if you saw an attractice woman doing something even moderately sexually suggestive, you shut the fuck up and enjoyed it!

I miss the double decker even though I haven't had one in years

I’m seeing a lot of harsh reactions to this injury, either from people who love him or hate him. I think it’s never just a black-or-white issue with Roethlisberger; there’s always gonna be a little grey.

Big Ben sucks and I'm excited to see what Maya Rudolph can do in a new role 

For us old folks out there, it’s really hard to describe what it was like when the Cars first album came out and how every song just took over the radio. Not to mention malls and dances and parties. There’s not many albums, especially debut albums, that just exploded like that. Those songs still sound really good now

R.I.P to one of the all time great songwriters. What he did with the Cars is so deceptively simple, all streamlined pop perfection. We'll miss you Ric.

Inconveniently, the ball was in the air next to it at the time.

Has anyone ever wondered if this hideous, Twilight Zone-esque timeline of the past few years is really a comatose dream? That all of these bizarre events are really your subconscious trying to provoke your consciousness, even comatose, into recognizing that these events are unreal, implausible, and that you’re truly