
Sorry for how wrong you are.

Definitely a valid point. I mean, the article’s premise is that there should be MORE sweeps, which obviously implies the author knows that simply winning 4 straight playoff is not quite “nigh impossible,” but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

especially when you’re clearly the inferior team, and you don’t lose the first three games unless that’s the case.

I though we had settled on Cheetolini?


That’s EXACTLY what private towing companies do. Most cities and municipalities use 3rd party firms to haul away vehicles in violation to the city/municipality tow yard to save them maintaining a fleet of tow trucks. Hell, back when I used to live in Brooklyn 10 years ago, I actually had a private 1 car driveway off

This has to be a crossover post from Lifehacker about 4/20 week, right?

A buddy of mine can grown a better beard in 6 days than I can grown in 6 weeks. Saves on razor costs though, I guess. <sad trombone>

And the Cubs still employ Addison Russell, so there you go

And also alongside one who literally came back from the dead.

I thought the same thing to initially, but maybe he only sang it during the playoffs, when it was on national TV?

This would have worked better last year, considering this year they actually DID get rid of the logo.

Still not as stupid as your original point. Where the F did you pull “NOT on the company’s property” from? What are you even talking about?

Not sure how a corpse will have much of an impact for them.

Came to say the same thing.  Also never seen Houston as HST.  Why he decided against using CLE, BAL, and HOU is certainly a head scratcher.

Holy shit, the Royals announcers are INSUFFERABLE. “Get him Ned!” and then talking about how Anderson deserved to be ejected for not simply “taking his base” and letting Keller know how he felt about getting hit.

Much like Alanis Morissette, you got ironically wrong. If Wilson had done it for the Mets (after that silly SI cover story) then yes. But when he was flaming out for the Reds, it was just sad.


That’s mostly likely due to the fact that once you are out of your 20's and into your 40's you aren’t out at 4 AM. But at that age point, a 1 AM slice still is the best cure for what ails you.