
Nah, it was John Travolta

This seems like the type of response that would come from someone with two first names.

There is *nothing* like a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk, so I gulp that shit down just like Drew if there is any left over.


I dunno, looks like the ball is out of shooter’s hands before LaVine enters the lane.

I have two boys, 15 months apart (not planned) who are now 9 & 10. I grew up an only child, and I swear to god I cannot get my head around how much they just seem to live for the sole purpose of fucking with each other. Even if I am standing right there saying, “Will you two just leave each other alone, or you’ll

But Patrick, where do you stand on the CA prop on condoms for adult film workers????

“Oh go fuck yourself with a tipi pole you whinging bitch.”

Have you really read anything that I posted? I am firmly in the removal of the logo camp. I am not defending it at all. My issue was is squarely with the timing and tone of this article, which, given the point that its author is trying to make, doesn’t really help things.

Bad analogy there. For someone to take the racism angle on a matter of which they are not part of that race without actual knowledge of what the particular race’s opinions are on the matter is just bad journalism. The Native Americans I know here in northern California actually joke about the stereotype of all of

How does it it show “just who I am?” My point is that its so easy for bloggers to take up causes without actually having first hand experience with the causes they are trumpeting. And honestly, what made me the most upset and caused me to post originally were the lines like “by the undignified way the team pissed

LOL, if that’s what you think, then good for you!

I have been an Indians fan since age 5, in the 70's. I fully support the removal of the Chief Wahoo logo, as does my family and pretty much all the fans I know. But to post this article, the morning after such a devastating loss, is just wrong. There is a time and place for such causes to be pushed forth. Can’t

Seriously Lindsey, really dead serious, fuck you. You clearly have no grasp of human emotion. This kind of shit could have waited til next week. I have never hated a person more than I hate you right now. You probably are wearing a shirt emblazoned with SJW on it right now. Fuck. You.

You say that Barry is “making wildly flailing claims without backing it up at all,” and your hard-hitting analysis is arrived at by simply “looking at him?” C’mon man.....

If I were a Chargers fan, I would love to rock a Drew Brees jersey....

“I’m here for Fawn Leibowitz ******MASSIVE PEPPER SHART******”

Where was the Funbag?!? My Tuesday was ruined.....

This made my day as well.

Definitely don’t stand during the anthem, duh. Hasn’t Kaep’s glorious afro taught us anything?