
On the other hand (ha!), the hand pass rule is kind of dumb. They allow it in the defensive zone, but not the offensive? I get outlawing the “closed hand” aspect and not allowing goals to be scored from hand contact. But if I can kick the puck to a teammate, why can’t I bat it with my hands?

You’re talking about the running back that got in a fight with someone that they weren’t in a domestic relationship with?

Actually, the doctor’s name was Iqbar.

walking a few hundred yards from the stadium a 3 y old shouted to his dad - ‘Look daddy there’s some Pakis’.

You rang?

I was in a meeting and was streaming the game on my phone under the conference room table. When it went in I had to suppress the joy as much as possible and the resulting sound was a very odd wheezing like sound. My boss asked me if I was ok and I went “yep! All good.” One of my co-workers is also a soccer fan and I

I’m chuffed to bits for all the lads, blokes, guv’nors, toffs, oiks, coppers, chinas, remoaners, brexiters, lexiters, Lib-Dems, Rhys-Moggses and Queens. 

Weasel words. Framing the goal time as past the end of ‘scheduled stoppage time’ implies irregularity. Either Onana’s 90+5 booking or the state of possession (i.e. Tottenham actively in the attack that led to the winning goal) would have made ending the match at 95:00 hugely scandalous. It takes, charitably, an

You’re right. But it’s all about phrasing and this one’s reaching into the realm of hyperbole. I think it’s the word “scheduled” that makes it sound more egregious than it was.

Bill boy’s an Arsenhole, so his grapes are most sour. COYS!

You beat me to it.

I’m an Ajax fan, but that finish is why people love football. I’m also alright with it being Tottenham, it’s good to see new teams in the Final game. I’m glad Barça, Real and Juve aren’t nowhere near it.

I can’t remember the last time I had a sports moment like this. All the years supporting them (yes, before “big six”) are now worth it. Unreal.

I am currently posting this comment from beyond the realm of life because my heart exploded in the 95th minute, but this needs to be said...

I’m a Liverpool fan all the way, but damn...respect. 

Debilitating disease can’t stop Dan Patrick, it can only hope to contain him.

Shaky Sherpa was the one that angered me. It's a mountain guide, who is jittery, exactly what you don't want a mountain guide to be. And it's alliterative. That name should be in the semi final against Jizyah.

Man, doing something that horrible to a computer is how you get SKYNET.

Belts deserve a medal for the work they do: