
Out of curiosity (and by way of reply to Tony Garcia’s “Try playing a sport” comment below): Do you play for OTPHJ in the NYC Gotham Soccer league?

I’m pretty sure he was implying that it’s idiotic to spend time commenting on a sports blog for people who are passionate about sports if you can’t fathom why someone would be passionate about sports.

Aww, nuts.

Wedding guests all went home with traditional gift baskets, naturally

Guy hits a buzzer-beater to win the National Championship and gets no love?

On the bright side, he’s halfway to a career as an umpire.

After the headache he got from that shot to the noggin’, the new motto for the Rochester clubhouse is “Drugs to Sano.”

Some advice:

It’s ironic, but on L&O: FCT, Det. Tutuola is actually played by Green-T.

The 0.02% belongs to people who were in France watching the match but unintentionally left their TVs on and tuned to Law & Order: Fisheries Crime Taskforce.

I can hardly remember a Balder lie than this one.

No, if only because no one cares about olympic basketball and this is the Euro Championship, which everyone cares about.

“This is a sad day for our family. I told dad not to kick the can. You can really damage your feet that way.”

This isn’t that surprising, given that coprophagy (look it up, people) anagrams to “crap hoop g[u]y”.

Was it Tim Tebow?

“Favorable schedule” just means that we’re better than a lot of teams in this tournament. We beat those 3, and we lost to the team that’s better than us. Now we’re gonna play a team that’s better than us again, and we’re going to lose in all likelihood. This is like complaining that we’re in the “Group of Death” every

That’s not fair. You can’t tell from that video that he likes little boys.

They snatched it, alright. Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.

You thought that was some serious posturing? Wait until you meet Michaelangeli’s friend David.

Damn, first Ali and now Howe? Better watch out, Rougned Odor.