What’s with Florida referring to someone who was arrested but never charged as the “Defendant”?
What’s with Florida referring to someone who was arrested but never charged as the “Defendant”?
And I thought I had the saddest possession.
-Sybil Dorsett
“The photo above may have given it away.”
So given that Kelce isn’t even black, isn’t the proper term “House Dolezal”?
That dude is really regretting the huge “ETIHAD” tattoo on his chest, though.
The Bushwhackers
“To the tree! To the tree!”
I thought things like this weren’t supposed to happen anymore, now that there’s automatic icing?
You should probably read up some on his life and the circumstances of his case before you label him “unrepentant.” He’s guilty through and through, but it’s a terribly sad and complex case.
I don’t follow, sorry.
Deserves more credit. So many layers to this one.
Not to those of us who don’t follow football anymore and have never heard of Blair Walsh until today.
Don’t forget that time The Berserker blew his chance at the WWF title belt back in ‘92.
I, for one, never believed in the Blair Walsh project to begin with.
With a hat like that, coaching Liverpool seems like an odd job for him.
It’s almost like kids these days don’t listen to Steely Dan anymore.
All the truthers can agree that this guy traveled.
You’re old enough to know better / now try, Lacy, try.
“You trying to tackle him too? Join the club.” - JPP