
“Rev.” Jessie Jackson is an opportunistic, skeezy, creep.

It’s FAR better to go alone in life than to go through it with an alcoholic. They will bring you more dark times than you’ll encounter on your own.

I had two grandparents, a parent, a good friend, and a spouse (of over 10 years) who were alcoholics. You don’t want that in your life. Run - don’t walk - the other way. I’m not joking. Do it today.

Neither is corruption.

Lighten up, Francis.

I certainly don’t have the answer and I have no opinion on abortion, but that is an interesting argument.

I believe that the app is called Google Opinion Rewards, not Google Opinion Awards.

So...you’ll be checked in on time for an airline which is almost never on time.

The car manufacturers have engineers using computers to run simulations for stresses in the vehicle. They have materials scientists looking at bonds and welds, and they understand them at a scientific level. They also prototype, instrument, and crash vehicles to test the simulations and various types of construction.

As they should have. Honda has mechanical engineers using FEA simulations and performs instrumented crash testing to figure out the cheapest, acceptable way to make a car which complies with safety standards. A body shop might be able to straighten bent metal and paint a car, but they don’t even remotely have the same

Ahhh, yes, “mansplaining.” The cry of the woman self-made victim who is incapable of actual communication, and men who hate their own penises. It’s a small-minded word for the weak.

Uhhhhh...no. That’s absurd.

That’s the problem with society today. More people should get punched in the mouth, and no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?

“Mansplaining” is a bullshit, made-up term which speaks more about the person using it than anything else. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

If you want true improvement on gun violence, you need to go after the root cause.

So, poor people don’t have the right to self defense because they can’t afford to live somewhere safer?

The Second Amendment allows citizen ownership of guns as part of a well-regulated militia.

Concerts and other types of public gatherings typically prohibit the carry of firearms into that area. “Good guys with guns” also obey the law and disarm when obligated to do so.

I miss my German Shepherd, too. Damn they’re smart, humble, and well-mannered - and way scary if they’re trained.