It’s time for this again.
It’s time for this again.
Move someplace without a stupid yearly state inspection. I don’t miss that bullshit.
My “server” isn’t ever the person who actually serves the food. Ever.
Someone doesn’t like her MBTI results, eh?
It doesn’t look the same. Her thumb and forefinger aren’t even touching. I’m calling bullshit.
It’s equally amazing that people can take an innocent hand/arm position and react irrationally about it. Her hand isn’t even in the same position as the photos of the racist symbol in the comment section here. Her thumb and forefinger aren’t even touching. (It’s not even an “OK” symbol, FFS.) This isn’t any different…
I went to a restaurant once and the bill came to something like $58. I put in four $20 bills, so that I could get change for the last one. My wife saw it and said to do it separately, but the service was really slow and I didn’t want to get my change and then have to wait even more to get change for the tip. The…
I can relate. I I’ve owned both a C5Z and a C6Z. Now I have a wife and a Tacoma. I miss that C6Z every day.
(really, I would much prefer if if our intimate partners, random dudes on the street, cops, etc. would stop killing us).
It’s also not a stretch to realize that correlation does not imply causation.
And yet, your odds of being murdered by anyone (intimate partner or otherwise) are woefully low. The top 10 leading causes of death for women are heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s, unintentional injuries, diabetes, flu/pneumonia, kidney disease, and septicemia.
So you don’t consider yourself the equal of Canada, England, France? Much of Europe? You have to compare yourself to Ghana?
Men are the victims of firearm violence at over 5 - 10x the rate of women. (Stats vary, depending on the state.)
You’ve got a pretty myopic view of things. I’m guessing that you haven’t traveled much outside of a few countries.
Gun lovers are willing to let everyone else die on the off chance that some day they get to play hero, and nothing and no one will convince them otherwise.
I don’t think that he did it for attention. He did it because he was eliminated from the competition and was angry about it.
Calm down there. Not every issue is a gender issue, and not everything is about you.
You just described my life.
Uhhh...neither of them...