
They have tip jars anywhere they can get away with them. 

Would you be so kind as to show the jury where on the truck the bridge touched you?

Well yeah, not with that attitude.

The fix for this is to lower the street.

It has not been “co-opted”. Some few might use it, and a few conspiracy nuts might push the narrative. But 99.999999999% of the population does not use it that way, so how is it co-opted? And you can’t cite other people’s opinion as “proof”. If that is the case, I can say that all those idiots touting “chem-trails”

Hard agree. I don’t know if she was doing it on purpose, and I’m not going to speculate. But I can rest my arms and hands like that very naturally. Usually, it starts out with my fingers clasped around my elbow, thumb resting on the inner elbow, and then, in boredom, I move my index finger back and forth between the

Throw cold water on them. I hear that works. 

Too many salty Mustang drivers taking public transit because they’re waiting for the insurance appraisal after the last Cars and Coffee.

Deep down, don’t we all know that 8 is the perfect number of cylinders?

I’m drooling over it. Maybe I should step up to this new Vette. I HAD a 16 Z06, but still have a wife. Now I have a 92 LT1. A mite slower.

I don’t understand what’s unethical about starting a business for profit, or using the rules to your advantage. 

I’ve got so many of those types of stories. My Drill Sgt. nicked named me Private Sleepy Time cause he found me mostly asleep on a 8 mile ruck one time.

In Iraq they had to bust open my door cause shrapnel went through my CHU (think dorm room but smaller) from a mortar and I slept through the indirect fire attack and

Ethically disabled doesn’t count.

I guess all of us who DON’T like Trump should maybe exercise some 2A rights, then?

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Yes, rights are more important than lives. Many people willingly fought and died for these rights. We shouldn’t give them up easily.

Bichon Frises generally get to and stay in the 15 lb weight area. You will win zero arguments with any person that a bichon is NOT a small dog. You having a tiny dog doesn’t mean 15 lbs is suddenly medium sized.

You set rules and policies which make things safe, clean, and efficient for everyone, and then self-important delusional assholes come in and think they get to be the exception. And then they whine about it when they find out they aren’t special like their mom told them. No wonder they need emotional support animals

Alternatively, you could just ban entitled douchebags from your restaurant. I’d start with man-buns, neck beards, and Volvo drivers.

Indeed. (Though I suspect that the intention of the picture was to show where stick welding falls in the evolutionary scheme of things; not to deny that it does have its virtues...)