
“There’s no rationale for running a red light. EVER.”

Mic drop!

And before you say anything, no, your auto headlights don’t work. They just don’t. They get confused at dusk/dawn, and NEVER turn on when your wipers are on.

We need a law to prohibit caller ID spoofing, so that phone companies will finally disable that ability. Then blocking a number actually does something and a blacklist is useful.

My CJ5 wouldn’t either.  Scary thing, that is.

Hey, you can still find old Jeeps. I recently picked up a ‘75 CJ5 with a fiberglass body, V8, and three speed manual for $6K. If I had been more patient, I’m sure that I could have beaten that price.

You just have to accept that there is only so much time in the day, and you need to schedule the things which are important to you. Other (less important) things might not get done for a while, and that’s OK.  You just need to make sure that everyone is on board with that plan and that you agree on what’s truly

all of their food is bland

and where you won’t get food poisoning

Exactly. I don’t even open my eyes at night when I get up to pee. It seems to help get me right back to sleep, too.

If you want to combat ocean garbage, you need to fight it at the source - undeveloped countries.

Ignore her. In another thread, she stated that she always tips $5 at Starbucks. She was clearly dropped on her head.

I think you’re wrong, too.

I didn’t take “bigot” away from that.  I’m an engineer and have managed engineering teams in the past.  Making coffee isn’t “below me.”  In fact, it’s the only way to be sure that the coffee doesn’t suck.

(Another man in engineering) I agree with that, too.

If you’re a man who never volunteers, think about why, and push yourself to do it more. Step up when it comes to things like organizing, collecting money for events, following up on details. And if it feels like a drag and like you’re not getting any credit, well, welcome to the club.

Thanks for this.  I’m working on an MBA now, and while Google Scholar is pretty good, it sometimes is an exercise in frustration.  Using a little Google-fu by specifying a PDF filetype often helps greatly.  I’ll check out the others tonight.

Both parties have been rolling over the Constitution for many years now. Each party has their favorite ones on which they like to infringe. The dems like to infringe on the Second and Fourth amendments, and the GOP likes to infringe on the First and Fourth amendments.

Nothing in the first amendment enshrines a right to wear a mask during a violent protest.  Even free speech has limitations.

At some point, you’ll have paid more than if you had bought your own espresso machine.