NK’s missiles aren’t capable of reaching us here in FL. I’m not losing any sleep.
NK’s missiles aren’t capable of reaching us here in FL. I’m not losing any sleep.
If you take the view that “everything” is political, then actual, political issues lose their significance. In any case, “political” is just a conceptual label that we put on other concepts. It has no real significance beyond that which you give it. This article is fluff.
I thought that I saw the Canadian Air Force once, but it turned out to be one of those flying squirrels.
As long as it reaches a rolling boil, you don’t even need to do it for a minute. Get it to a rolling boil, and then turn off the heat. That’s enough.
I’m from the Detroit area and I now live in Florida. I’d vote for this.
Despite how much the author wishes it was, no, it’s not.
This sounds like a movement eating itself alive.
Some people like to define themselves by how much more “privileged” everyone else is. This is a perfect example of that. It’s similar to how people define themselves by their cancer or drug addiction story.
Buddhists are no more skilled at relationships than anyone else. Buddhism is just a religious belief system.
Does your company only have one medical insurance option, or are there several plans from which you can choose?
You would pay more in taxes. However, you would not be paying for medical insurance. Your employer would also not be subsidizing your medical insurance (as many employers do). The net would likely be almost the same.
we’re having fun and then out of nowhere I get the “what are we?” question
She only stabbed him 6 times?!
You’re going to have to explain to me how paying someone who is bad at their job more will get them to be better at their job.
Yes, but a calm, rational one.
I’m not a denier or supporter. The fact is, we just don’t have enough long-term data yet to draw any conclusion.
Actually, no. Colder weather leads to a denser charge of air. More fuel gets added to keep the same air/fuel ratio. More fuel and air leads to more power. Therefore colder weather should make your car faster. Of course, denser air leads to more wind resistance... :-)
Ya sure. Witness accounts are always 100% reliable, people tell other people stories with complete accuracy, and media outlets never sensationalize anything. Got it.
I sincerely wonder how you get along in society with that giant chip on your shoulder. When you decide to drop that (and it is a decision), then maybe you’ll see that not every injustice in the world is about race or gender. Good luck, though. Sincerely.
I didn’t try to rationalize anything. I just don’t spaz and jump to conclusions without knowing all of the facts. If the guy did, in fact, mean to do what he did, with malice, then I’ll be happy to agree with you. More information will become available eventually.