
I’d be interested to see these for other races, too.

And yet, both are true!

Oppositional Defiant Disorder? That’s another acronym for Parental Failure Disorder. Your kid should never get to that point. They likely got there because they haven’t been really disciplined. I see it all the time, “hey, don’t do that or there will be consequences.” And then there are never any consequences. The

Melanie is back! Yeah!

And I agree with other commenters, you don’t have to be in a suit, I get treated well wearing “dress jeans” and a pricey blazer.

It would be illegal for everyone except the government.

The one in Dallas wasn’t autonomous, though. A human “pulled the trigger.”

Or everyone can make their own:

I think that your post offended some snowflakes.

What people fail to understand is that these people WANT counterprotests. They WANT the attention. They WANT to fight. They WANT to say, “hey, we were just defending ourselves.”

It’s selfish to demand that everyone around you agrees with your beliefs or you just won’t have them in your life. Her beliefs very likely don’t include racial inequality, even if she likes the latest talking head.

Even if you repair it, it’s not going to be an easy path. Best case, you repair the damage well enough for him to start talking to you again - and then you still have to deal with the long-distance issue.

It has been more than a few years since I’ve looked at this, but given that this speech will be at a university, doesn’t it need to also have pedagogical relevance in order to be protected?

If a white woman wants to speak out against hatred from her frame of reference, why would you have her silenced? That’s selfish and myopic.

Stop wearing antiperspirant. Accept the fact that you are going to sweat.

Police aren’t protectors of people. You’re confusing them with bodyguards.

There isn’t going to be any armed revolt.

As a person with both conservative and liberal beliefs about various issues, I would concur. Everyone absolutely has the right to self defense.

Be ready to protest any upcoming neo-Nazi/white-supremacist/alt-right rallies in your area.

Is there a TL;DR version of that mess?