
Do you stereotype based on race and gender too, or just based on the type of degree someone earned? You seem to lack the emotional intelligence to understand why your comment (and derogatory stereotypes in general) might be insulting. I recommend that you go ask a black person about stereotypes, and he might be able

Given your naive and insulting comment, I’d probably file you into the “socially awkward” category. I’m guessing that you don’t really know many engineers and don’t have much experience working professionally.

You paint with an overly broad brush. I don’t think that you know many engineers.

A lot of people are flapping about automation and AI, but the reality is that these things won’t be mature enough to have a significant impact until our kids are old and retired. I wouldn’t let that keep me awake at night.

Or they’re COMPLETELY unrelated. I know a handful of brilliant engineers who likely fall at the upper end of that curve who also carry handguns.

I clicked on the article for this.

Do adults actually buy these toys?

I agree. And I love guns.

It’s only unfounded and ignorant if you cherry pick your data, like you did right there.

This reminds me of another drink from South America (Peru) called chicha morada. To make it, you boil the pineapple scraps, purple corn, cloves, and cinnamon. Strain out the chunks, add sugar, and chill. Awesome stuff.

And this is coming from a child of the 70s in 80's who got left in the car.

I don’t know where you live, but it works fine in FL when the car isn’t moving - even in the summer. It works better when the car is moving, but it’s more than adequate when the car is stationary.

I daily-drove a C5Z and then a C6Z for many years. Get a C6Z instead. It’s a completely superior car IMO.

...and amusingly, even rusted in half, it will still hold its value better than any other truck on the market!

It’s because the Tacoma will still be running with basic maintenance long after the GM trucks are no longer functional or completely rusted out.

I do. And I drive a Tacoma (which I probably overpaid for...)

Sometimes a six-pack can be a contributing factor in getting pregnant.

They would have taken him into custody under the Baker Act.

The laws changed here (FL) within the past few years. You could previously shoot on your property, even if it was pretty small. I think that now you need to have a density of less than one house per acre in order to be able to legally shoot.

Still blaming third party voters for Clinton’s loss of the election? Get over it.