
And you know this how, exactly?

He’s not firing into the air. He is firing into an awning with trapped water.

Tampa area?

The “Clean Sheets” Pill

Any feedback on TrustZone?

Any feedback on TrustZone?

Waaaaa! Cry me a river. Why don’t you man-up and learn some Spanish, chingado estupido?

This “article” is obviously trolling, but I’ll bite.

Why should that matter? If the lines are double-yellow, you’re not meant to pass there. That’s it. If everyone just did what they wanted because they disagreed with the signs and other roadway markings, it would be unsafe to drive anywhere.

No passing zones have more to do with visibility and potential for head-on collisions than with the handling of the vehicle. The motorcycle driver made a risky choice to pass there, but he didn’t deserve to get run off the road.

Tell that to the people in oncoming traffic.

Counterpoint: half of Americans have below-average intelligence. No changes in the news media will change that fact. Many people will always be dumb and uninformed.

I use a neti pot, too.

What about using Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (Sudafed) to reduce the swelling in the nasal passages? Does continued use of that cause a rebound effect?

I want to star this so many times...

When you go to the grocery store and are buying some food you normally buy which has a decent shelf life, just buy two of them - one to eat and one to store. The next time, do the same. In a few months, you’ll have a few days of extra food saved, and you will have hardly noticed that you were gathering some food to

I live in FL, and I do.

Lighten up, Francis.

It turns out that many medicines remain potent well beyond their expiration dates.

Yes, but to Trump?!

I think that they fucked up by getting behind the one candidate who could lose to another obviously bad candidate.