
This isn’t a lot different from a court charging for the “cost of the court” and the “cost of prosecution” when you’re convicted in criminal court. This happens every day, and it’s not entirely breaking new ground.

...and apparent chronic dishonesty, and flip-flopping on issues, and accepting money from corrupt regimes, and decades of scandals, and her pledge to attack the 2A, and collusion with the rest of the DNP to marginalize another Democratic candidate...

There are people who didn’t vote for the candy-stealer or the baby-killer in favor of someone who was neither. Now the people who wanted the candy-stealer are mad about it? Next time, pressure your party to advance someone who doesn’t steal candy, and they will surely get more votes.

Bolder candidates. Or better candidates. Or at least candidates who appear honest.


Ah yes, there it is, “fuck you all for not voting for MY favorite candidate because I really wanted her to win.” Go fuck yourself, too.

People are still waiting for ANY evidence of Russian tampering. I’m not saying that it wasn’t the Russians, of course, but no evidence at all has been released.

Yeah, they got their jimmies all ruffled when Trump started talking about term limits in his 100 day plan. Good.

It’s not entirely unprecedented. Obama had the same pen, and he used it often. This all just underscores how out of control executive power has become.

And, oddly, Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States.

So basically these city mayors want to continue to pick and choose which federal laws they want to enforce but still continue to collect federal dollars?

Good. We are not the world’s policeman.

Well, I wasn’t specifically calling YOU a monster. I was saying, in general, if “you” (someone) can’t see this from the perspective of the biological parents “you’re” (that someone is) a monster.

Our prison system is a monstrosity. It’s that way largely because of the preditors locked up there. Some people are incapable of living in a structured society, and they need to be locked up. Feeding that monster isn’t senseless - it’s necessary. Otherwise we’d be living among people who think that it’s OK to rape,

If you can’t see this from the point of view of the victims (the biological parents), you’re a monster.

It’s important to understand that the perpetrator was in a state of extreme grief and probably already great shame, and most likely not in her right mind when the crime was first committed.

Can you not understand the pain of the biological parents, having their baby stolen just hours after delivery? The mom, carrying the baby for 9 months, the pain of delivery, the planning, buying baby things, preparing the baby’s room, the excitement of family and friends, and then having it all stolen. And then not

I’m not a Trump supporter, but even the intelligence agencies have said that there was some internal dispute as to if there was any tampering and, if so, by whom. Those agencies DO owe The People (including Kinja commenters) some proof. Anyone can posit anything about anything, but if you want actual, rational people

I’m not saying that the Russians didn’t interfere, but no “facts” have been released.

Bernie lost the primary by 4 million votes because of the manipulation of the Democrat party. They influenced news articles, headlines, and public perception to drive more people to vote for Hillary. And it worked.