
Fuck the Jill Stein voters? You should be saying fuck the Dem party for nominating a candidate so awful that she lost to Donald Fucking Trump. Any reasonable Dem candidate should have won in a landslide.

All of this is unnecessarily inflammatory. I didn’t vote for Trump. He’s clearly an idiot. But I’ve heard parents demonize Trump to their kids, so it’s no wonder the kids are terrified. Bad parenting.

Make sure that you get a carry permit, so that you don’t get hassled about it. Spend some money on training - it’s money well spent.

Hey, I didn’t vote for him. It’s the Dem party who got Trump elected.

I never said he wasn’t. Trump was a turd, too.

I never said Trump wasn’t. We’re talking about Clinton here. Try to keep up.

Not sure if this applies to too many people here, but if you get a card or prescription for marijuana, you will likely lose your CDL (if you have one), and you will fail the NICS background check for any firearm purchase (you won’t be allowed to purchase one).

You’re just fearmongering. We’re ignoring you anyway.

I know. We’re talking about the same party, sweetie.

Yes, both of them - with their flaws - were MUCH better than Clinton. She is a lying, power hungry, pay-to-play, criminal. Fuck you too.

I just read the plan in its entirety, and nothing in there is nighmarish at all. And I didn’t even vote for him!

I didn’t vote for Trump, but how is this an “actual nightmare?”

We didn’t run Charlie Fucking Manson.

I accidentally starred your stupid comment.

Oh gawd. Passive racists? Because racism isn’t on the forefront of their minds constantly?

So people who didn’t like your candidate and voted accordingly caused your candidate to lose? Go figure.

Clinton lost because she’s a liar and a criminal. Race had nothing to do with it.

I’d love to vote for a female president - just not Hillary. Too many schemes, lies, half-truths, and scandals.

You do know that both candidates were white, don’t you?

I’ll also add that the GOP still doesn’t like Trump. They don’t know what the hell to do with him, because he’s a complete outsider who hasn’t paid his dues (figuratively and literally).