Dan M.

Well, if his lawyers are right and he was murdered we’ll never know who did it.

Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.

man, why is CB a topic of conversation today? Seriously, I’ve seen like three threads on him in under a day!


Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.

The Undertaker retiring hit him really hard.

I mean when you are going out off the top rope, it seems pretty clear you loved wrestling.

That could be a back-breaking loss for Coach K.

Man North Carolina College teams just keep having toilet issues...

Authorities are looking for Lexington Steele after the fan’s mom was found split in half.

It was real awkward at home when the same man yelled at Steele to “get in the hole!”

I’m still waiting for the tables and ladders to complete this match for the hardcore championship.

The headline doubles as vintage Red Hot Chili Peppers clothing instructions.

“Strong American hockey teens” happens to be my favorite porn search term. Thanks for ruining my night, Ley.

This feels like a missed opportunity to bring “wilting manboys” back.

Trump tweet taking credit, or expressing condolences to losing team?

I grew up a hockey fan and was never into basketball, but I came to learn about Sager after his diagnosis was made public. Watching him battle his disease with such courage was an inspiration. There’s a lot of meathead banter between hockey and basketball fans about toughness but Sager was tough as nails. Stick taps

Haisley’s boner was larger than the dick on Rolando’s statute while watching this game.