Dan M.

Treat the league like the Dutch treat the Eredivisie. It’s a great league for their home players, but the end goal is the big 5 of Europe.

Your tears sustain me. I do like Messi, but your constant drumbeat of how Ronaldo sucks compared to him is laughable. Just accept the fact CR7 is better.

At least he doesn’t wet his pants at the PK spot like your boy Messi?

I really wish no one bought Deadspin so you’d unemployed and having to write recaps of NASL games. That’s much more of your speed, you worthless hack.

Does Billy still suck ass as a writer? Yep.

Austin almost handed out a stunner like the Attitude Era.

“How dare he show the Canucks goalie up?” - Mike Milbury

It’s just Nate Peterman giving another shit performance.

One of my first sports memories was seeing Joe Theisman get his leg snapped. This is up there.

Hockey is a wonderful game despite ESPN trying to get America to forget about it with that laughable “Barry’s Bistro” and two minutes of highlights when it’s the only game in town because Bettman (the worst commish in sports) wouldn’t kiss ESPN’s ring.

Now playing

Great read again, Bix. It’s safe to say Botchamania helped bring Lance back into the spotlight a little as well.

Don’t forget the scrub job their trying to do to CM Punk. I can understand Benoit and Snuka for murdering people and Hogan for his racism, but to wipe away Punk because he called them out for not having him main event WrestleMania despite carrying the company is BS.

Just remember Warrior said “Queering doesn’t work.” Inspired a lot of young wrestlers, but still a massive toolbag.

I’ll give anyone a platform that rips Billy a new one.

Billy is such a United hater. They won for a hurt City of Manchester, but he can’t get over this narrative and let them have a moment.

Bellichick listing it as an upper-body injury and downgraded him to questionable.

Aaron went out by drinking a cheap bottle of Thunderbird to try to get back some of the courage he had in his prime.

Delightful? Is Patrick a fan of Broken Matt Hardy? Duke are nothing more than obsolete mules.

That’s Lexington Steele. I’m surprised that dude’s mom is still walking.

Do you like that?

Someone get Jim Ross on this now!