Dan M.

If it makes you gassy, is it called an atomic dog?

Billy’s tears over this will sustain me for years.

This is turning into a real Poopfest.

Right on, man. I love the NHL more, but I made sure to catch Sager. Dude was a pro.

Is it wrong of me to be drooling over the girl in the Captain America shirt?

Someone needs to invite a dude like former enforcer Jared Boll to a Beiber game and have him wax that creep.

The Facebook headline “Wakeyleaks” tops it all. No need for further comments.

And Billy Haisley writes like shit everyday!

I guess we all know who was T-Boz of this night.

And Billy Haisley thinks the quality of play in this is better than the MLS.

And thank you, Hulk Hogan and Peter Theil, for making Billy unemployed soon.

A big old fart? Isn’t the way people describe you, Billy?

ESPN fucking up something hockey? I’m shocked I tells ya.

Sorry to hear about the bankruptcy, but I’m here to help. Here’s a great site for you to start your search.

America is punishing hockey for the crimes of Bieber.

I bet he’s your favorite person in the world, Bill. Hope Hogan takes over and you’re the first one he fires, and the only job you can get is writing game recaps for the league website.

Even though Spurs have a giant Jewish fan base. One of their nicknames is the Yids. (For Yiddish.)

Glad to see we’re all having a laugh because “It’s Man United. It would be funny if a bomb went off.” Seriously, I’d be pissed if someone tried it any other ground. Come on, man.

The Red Bills playing the Evil Empire? Makes sense. -Cosmos fans.

From the Belichick School of Injury Reporting.