
This doesn’t seem like a super bad thing. “Wife of drug dealer deported” is not a thing I expect people to get up in arms about. She was here illegally, her husband was involved in a fairly significant, by the looks of it, drug trade. 30 lbs is a lot.

Deadspin fan, here to support this.


The bowler should change his name to Plunked-ett

The dude accountant looks like Matt Damon got stung by a bee.

I know why it’s so hot where I live now, this burn raised the temperature of the entire midwest.

This is great

The question that matters. I really need to get back to turning Wake Forest into a perennial powerhouse.

I hope they catch these guys and put them in jail. That’ll teach em.

This is ferocious and good.

Rondo should know better than to take shots.

This is dumb. I love it.

I’m with you on the endless stream of nicknames. Mammzie, Ole Lady, Big Irish, Mac, Mare, Ma, Gran.

About two paragraphs into this article, I realized it was about my friend’s dad. That was an odd moment for me.

Lotta badminton on this site recently...

Excellent ad placement.

Aggregate. The score was 3-2

Non-drinker here: Complete bullshit. The idea that you “can’t the taste alcohol” in a mixed drink is a complete misnomer because it is only ever said by people that already drink. If you haven’t been deadened to it, it tastes like spicy paint.

You mean did I know basic narrative information about the quarterback of the country’s most popular football franchise that gets brought up every year for the past ten years during Hispanic heritage month? Did you know that Tom Brady was picked in the 6th round? Pick 199? Amazing the shit you don’t need to look up if

Yes, Antonio Ramiro Romo. Noted white guy.