I agree with this take, Kellyanne may not have any morals but I don’t think she’s stupid. Trump might figure it out when she gets the inevitable book deal and destroys him in it.
I agree with this take, Kellyanne may not have any morals but I don’t think she’s stupid. Trump might figure it out when she gets the inevitable book deal and destroys him in it.
It’s articles like this that still have a part of me convinced that TomatoFace is HamNo.
I like all of this except the tax on confederate states because almost all of them already receive subsidies from higher tax blue states so they won’t be paying that tax or, if they do, it will be because they got federal assistance subsidized by blue states. What I’m trying to say is, there would be no net gain from…
That seems about right for a middle tier of rich people. Above $100M and you are wealthy (top-tier rich) to a level that, unless someone is very, very stupid with money, your family will be taken care of for generations and you lead a very different life than the rest of us, even those poor double digit millionaires.…
No one “earns” a spot a university. One may meet the requirements for entry, but “earning” something suggests that the individual is entitled to it. NO ONE, no matter how hard they work, how accomplished they are, deserves or is entitled to matriculate at any selective institution of higher education.
...The Aristocrats!
Any complaints about the violence their children were exposed to? No? Okay, just wanted to see where we are drawing the line.
Is Bounce Patrol the reference I think it is?
This is an excellent point.
While I don’t think personal relationships should have anything to do with it, it comes down to money. The monetary costs that obesity, heart disease, preventable cancers, and the treatment of any other mostly avoidable health problem put on society is substantial. Having an unhealthy populace costs more money than a…
I think you mean you are dying early on this hill... ; )
The blowjob was free, that was a clean up fee. I don’t think that would ever work but OJ’s out there still walking free so...
See this is what every non-lawyer says in cases like this (apologies if you are a lawyer) but every state has rules of civil and criminal procedure preventing the filing of frivolous motions. If his team just continues to file motion after motion with no basis for the motions, the judge will start awarding fees or…
Sure but probation might be an actual punishment if it limits his ability to travel, this is a handout. Also, this would be a pretty quick trial.
They have it on video. Why offer anything at all?
It’s better than it has any right to be for a movie made by College Humor.
I’ll be honest, I think about this scene every time I chip poop stains off a toilet bowl. It makes me feel like I’m basically volunteering for the Peace Corps when I clear the bowl.
He’s not the true champion until he beats a bear in a slap contest.
Maybe he went looking for the ‘G’ he lost from his first name.