
She’s from Tampa, so, you are correct.

Michigan voted him in by 10,700 votes. I hope they all remember Trump’s “playing favorites” bullshit come November.

“Several hundred students departed...”

I think the important thing here is he owned the libs

Oh, that’s why...

I’ll be honest, the next time you read a headline about a Florida man, it’s likely to be about something much, much less inspirational,

You’ll know you had it when your mother lets you out of the basement and then she gets sick.

She even looks like Schafly.

Here’s a couple things. And I can only speak as someone that does environmental compliance for a natural gas fired power plant.


I’d like to start a GoFuckYourself fund for vAinsley. 

In America we have always had socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everybody else.

Part of the conspiracy theory is working backwards from your conclusions.

Ashley isn’t saying that Band-Aids are bad...she’s just saying that they’re insufficient for deep arterial wounds.

Their billionaire masters will not be ok with that. Let’s not kid ourselves that most Democrats are beholden to the 1% as much as the Republicans.

So are you reading that as they shouldn’t get it? Because I’m reading it as “that’s great, but should be more money OR should be more than one check”. I don’t think anyone is saying “fuck those people” at all.

An absolute fucking joke. A one time payment of $1,200? That is not going to help anyone who needs it. And then companies get a bailout and can still lay off workers? I understand the impulse of Democrats to get something, anything done in the face of the absolutely craven shitheels on the other side who think the

The much vaunted American capitalism and industrial might is actually very fragile.