
Tell me how you really feel.

No, that’s a risk the pipeline builder and operator should bear. I’d be on board with a requirement that a builder of a pipeline posts a bond with the state or federal government to be used for clean-up or an insurance requirement to cover clean-up.

Yeah, no shit they know it. With the secured lender exemption under CERCLA they basically just need a phase 1 and can’t participate in the management of the facility and they can avoid environmental liability. Not a tough hurdle to get over.

why should they not participate in paying for the realized downside risk?

What’s the land underneath the house worth? Are they using the funds to improve the house or develop it into something else? If so, you’re describing a construction loan. Personally, I wouldn’t loan anything more than 60% of current value or, if they are rebuilding, then I would offer draws based on construction

Wait, are you trying to say that current usury laws are not enough? In Colorado it’s capped at 45% per year. How are businesses supposed to survive if they have to charge less than 45% interest on loans? Won’t anybody think of the corporations?

If he doesn’t keep them in order, how is he supposed to keep them organized for adding to his binder?

My go-to store is near a local high school and if I time it wrong, the store is besieged by idiot teenagers wasting away their lunch period: standing in the doorway, polluting the cash register lines, talking way too fucking loud, or just standing at staring at a fucking phone in the middle of the produce section for

Wells Fargo is awful but this line of questioning is pretty dumb:

That’s usually what I tell them, that I’ll donate once my loans are paid off so call me in 40 years. 

The contractor must’ve been a big Journey fan. I wonder if he was there, in his city.

Can someone please headbutt Trump through a window now?

The latest term abortion I am comfortable with would be at 438 months and 26 days and it’s reserved for one very special person.

TIL billionaires are just like us! But seriously, why does anyone give money to their alma mater? They got their checks and I got my degree, end of transaction, now please stop calling me.

The good things take dedication, time, and effort. Helping someone is so much harder than tearing (or keeping) them down.

Yeah, only 1,000 extra rooms for anyone not included in that DNC count is not nearly enough capacity for an event like this. Plus there are going to be plenty of people visiting the city that are not related to the convention at all. I’m all for mocking people who bitch about things like having to drive a little

And you right now today are an “author.” Do you understand, from your own experience, that some people clearly shouldn’t be doing what they are currently doing? I love that they are incessantly bringing up Northam still being in office when many on the left want his resignation. Also, what is this?

Nope, a socialist (I assume David has the same political leanings as the rest of the writers here) killed Marco Rubio today. Please send your thoughts and prayers to his office. 

Today another conservative was killed at the David Boddiger Post, it caused another massive eye roll among people with a brain. The result? Marco Rubio must now retire as few, if any, of his thoughts have ever been productive or even made sense. #socialismkills #morelikeMarcoRube-io #amirite”

Interesting choice making him wade indefinitely while suspended in the air. The NCAA is getting creative with the punishments. What is he wading through though?