
He creeps me out too much...he's only had sex with his sister and I really wouldn't want to get in on that action.

Fuck Khal Drogo. Marry (and fuck endlessly) Tyrion. Kill any of the other ones (because they suck).

I actually HAVE blonde hair, yet when I go blonder (from dirty blonde to golden blonde), my hair goes red unless I have it done professionally. I think if you have any red in your hair at all, the home kits do this. Freaking annoying.

OMG, for real! The Greek guys I've known, well...they did NOT need enhancement. Not at all.

"And in Atlanta, a federal appeals court is currently hearing the case of Jarretta Hamilton, a fourth grade teacher who was fired after her boss discovered that she'd gotten conceived before she was married."

While that is completely understandable, Detective Rex is saying we should do surgery rather than use antibiotics b/c antibiotics are bad. Whereas my point is that while antibiotics are definitely overused, they're certainly preferable to surgery (especially since they're going to give you antibiotics anyway). Surgery

Do you think they'll do surgery and send you home without antibiotics? No. You have to take them anyway. If surgery can be avoided, then that's great. Also, antibiotics are definitely easier on your system than surgically removing part of your intestines!

So...surgery is better than antibiotics? That makes no sense.

Haha, this! I freaking hate commentary on my personal grooming habits. When I lived in Italy, I actually got CRITICISM from a dude for going bare...b/c he likes "a little hair down there". Did I give advice about his giant bush? No. Because it's his, not mine.

I really, really regret reading this article. I hate you Lindy West. :P

Awesome, actually. I want my monthly maternity leave.

I can definitely tell. And I really, really prefer uncut.

There's more skin, and therefore more friction, which equals increased sensation and pleasure. With a condom on, there's no difference, but without a condom, you can really, really tell.

This article is ridiculous. I am a woman. For me, sex feels much better without a condom, and it especially makes a huge difference if the dude isn't cut. Obviously the majority of people will prefer that. Second, it IS more intimate. We are biologically hardwired to crave that exchange of bodily fluids. When I

I really don't like this. Why is this here?

That is awesome! Your gran sounds like a neat lady. :)

Haha, like whoever booked him to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2006?

Yeah, I always assume articles like this are from Florida, too.

I have been roofied. Luckily, I was in a bar with friends who escorted (carried) me home. I was with a friend when HE got roofied, too. Again, luckily, I was with him to escort him home. This shit happens a lot in New Orleans. Now I NEVER leave a drink unattended.

It's a fairly well populated area, but because of the affluence of the neighborhoods & resulting square footage of the properties, I'd say 7% is pretty high for the area. Other, poorer areas are WAY more densely populated and 7% might not be quite as much.