
Complete with sexy facial burns, I hope!

I think it's a ninja maxi-pad. Note the tampon nun chucks (sp?).

You missed "sexy Leatherface" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I was horrified (and not in a good, Halloween-y way) when I saw that on Amazon. Seriously, WTF?!

LOL! You know, no one has EVER tried that with me...I'm just WAITING for it to happen, so I can unleash the grammar nazi that is hiding (JUST) below the surface.

These shirts are great. It's like how I live in New Orleans and think it's great when the idiot tourists walk around wearing Mardi Gras beads year round...it just let's everyone know who to avoid/rob/scam/etc.

I feel that good, mutually satisfying sex is very important for MY relationships, but I'm a very sexual person. I don't think this would necessarily be true for a person who is not. I would never, ever marry a person with whom I don't have great sex because of this...but another person's criteria for marriage would be

Most of these people only protect a "person's" right to life until birth...then they stop giving a damn. So, no, it probably wouldn't restrict surgery once the babies are born...in utero, though, it would be illegal under this law.

It is a big deal, sometimes. In college, I worked at a cafe with a guy who smelled SO bad. Like, hadn't bathed for a month bad. He worked in the kitchen & would frequently bring people's food out to them. Customers really noticed & would not want to eat food prepared by someone with such poor hygiene. We all tried to

I read the comments before watching the ad and thought, "how bad can it really be"?

They just always think that they only sleep with "clean" women, etc. It's really dumb. I never had a problem when I insisted, though...they're pretty respectful, at least.

Yet Italian men NEVER want to freaking use condoms...they all seem to think that pulling out is just fine. Grrr...

Not just the teenage ones...

Heh, thanks.

I really don't find these offensive, just cute & funny. They just look like mouths...not necessarily trod-upon womens' mouths.

And hearted!

Judging by syntax/grammar, I don't think English is tangorum's 1st language...he/she may not have meant offense by that.

The kids are lucky to have you, then! I really regret that I never even HEARD of anthropology until college. How messed up is that?

When I was 15 and dated a black guy, THIS is the crap I got from my grandmother. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. OK, well...I wasn't going to have kids at 15 (like she did) and if I did, I think I'd have bigger problems than the fact that they'd be mixed-race. It was just b.s. racism, cloaked with faux concern. UGH...I love

I'd guess a lot of them. I live in MISSISSIPPI!!!! right now and I wouldn't think that number is nearly as high here...and most of them wouldn't even be concerned about how they came off to the interviewer.

There are a few ways to determine sex from skeletal remains, not just using the pelvis. The best way (other than looking at the pelvis) is to analyze the skull, specifically the chin, the mastoid process, the back of the skull, the forehead, brow ridges, etc. You can tell sex with about 90% accuracy from just the