
I sometimes say "my bad" when I feel like being obnoxious. You know, just to annoy other people. 'Cause I HATE that phrase & I hated it when it was popular. Ugh!

I lived overseas for several years & definitely picked up some Brit slang. Also, my grammar & spelling have deteriorated. (Lived in Italy, spoke Italian for work, all of my friends had studied British English, so that's how they spoke, wrote, etc...) So I SWEAR I'm not being pretentious.

That would be awesome...but no. Not quite THAT much of an exhibitionist.

I STILL do this. I am 32 years old.

I saw it at a film festival a few months back. Freaking great film. Definitely loaded, but the film maker was at the festival & she admitted as much. She said it's her opinion, but that she felt it was something that needed to be said and usually was not. I totally agree with her.

Oh, boo. Well, I'm watching Seinfeld on Crackle.com. Lame Saturday night here, also.

Go casual, like it's no big deal, but shave your legs (if you do shave them) just in case. Like maybe a tank top & jeans (but you know, ones that you like/look good on you). Makeup-I'd go with LIGHT mascara, concealer, gloss, but nothing else. Well...possibly a bit of shadow, but make it very natural looking. Go easy

I desperately want the W hotels bed, that they sell online. Next time I have a couple extra grand (haha)...it's mine. MINE!

I freaking loved the movies. How will I feel about the books? I want to read them, but I'm worried that they'll be exactly the same/worse/so much better they make me like the movies less.

That racial fetish thing is gross. I have had SOOOOO many male friends who have a "fetish" for Asians, Latinas, etc. What is the deal? I mean, I happen to particularly like Mediterranean men, but I definitely date outside of that group. A lot. And I definitely don't fetishize them. And even if I did, I would NEVER be

THANK YOU for this.

Fox "News" is trying to say she did not say "turban", but instead said "Durbin" (referencing the politician). I call shenanigans. I've listened to it several times & she definitely said "turban".

I am a fanatic about what I eat. No fast food, only 100% juice, organic dairy/poultry, etc. And I spend a FORTUNE on food. It is so ridiculous. If I had kids, I don't know what I'd do. I could NOT afford to feed them the way I currently feed myself.

So...I got this last year. And I have always been a CONDOM, CONDOM, CONDOM girl. But. I was in a monogamous sexual relationship. The guy & I had both been tested. I was on the pill. So we thought everything was kosher.

I had a UTI turn into a kidney infection once. I was in college & had no health insurance. It was SO agonizingly painful. I ended up going to the emergency room to get antibiotics and did not pay the bill, since I had no money at all. So...it cost the gvmt. maybe $1000 for my visit, rather than what, $50 for a

OMG, will someone PLEASE get this woman a laxative???!!! She has not dumped a load since her fiancee was murdered in 1979!


Man, I don't know WHAT I'd do if my ancestors hadn't been herders, producing lactase into adulthood. I NEED milk, cheese, ice cream, etc. I'd probably just eat it all and suffer through it (like a non-lactose tolerant friend of mine does).

I SO LOL'd when I read this. :D

There is nothing related to Michelle Bachmann that I can take seriously.