
Yes, weird thing to emphasize in the video, that you are only charging ~5% faster through the conductive port.

It is much more interesting to see that you only take a 5% hit in timing for the inductive option.

Yep, take a look at their coil designs on both the watch and the charger. It’s much more than just a coil. The fact that they can have it work so efficiently, place a magnet in the middle (which tends to interfere with magnetic fields), AND have it housed inside an aluminum or stainless (or gold) chassis is a huge

nah dude. ALL science. It isn’t just nutritionists who massage their P-values. Its any science that too much money has been poured into by corporations.

This is beautiful and frightening. I’m glad someone did this in order to illustrate the problems with science today, but damn. So many people bought it hook, line and sinker. damn.

The only issue is that it has apparently now been independently duplicated in multiple labs in different countries. There may still be an underlying unspotted flaw in the design of the experiment that is giving false results, but loose ethernet isn’t likely the culprit here.

See, that’s the closest anyone has to an explanation, and it makes no f***in’ sense. You’re totally cool, and explained it well, but now I have to go on a physics rant.

This^ So much, this. There’s a serious vibe of cold-fusion in this whole thing, as we still don’t have any information to replicate this experiment with, and the mechanism for what’s happening seems to keep drifting around.

Also, you all do realize that NASA tests all sorts of things that look promising and then fail,

The fact you can’t come up with a sound explanation is always a red flag the measurements are, in fact, wrong. Remember “FTL neutrinos”? Violated physics, turned out to be a measuring error. Only the latest example in a long list of flawed experimentation.

New claims, same concerns. A scientist showing up on a forum post declaring, “Nah, we got this.” with no data I can review doesn’t do anything at all to reassure me this is real and not sloppy benchwork.

I remain a wet-blanket skeptic: we’re basically saying that you can literally fly by yanking yourself up by your own bootstraps. If someone can come up with a reasonable explanation to this that’s backed up by measurements, I’ll be happy.

Mr. Malthus! Mr. Malthus! How are you able to post from 1798?!

Hey everyone, wouldn’t it be great to pay money AND watch tons of commercials!?!

I had Hulu for a brief while, the free three month period I think. I tried watching Fargo on it. After about three episodes, and being forced to watch the same fucken ad for I think Hyundai cars literally dozens of times, I gave up and pirated the show. And canceled the Hulu subscription. It’s a terrible service. I am

I had a free subscription for three months. I watched it once, saw there was no way to get around the ads, and never watched again.

Don’t you know about those spontaneous spine severings that happen in police cars?

He’s right though, the cops didn’t hurt Gray or mess him up. They killed him.

c’mon! totally severed his own spine!

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.