
It just means 'awesome chicken.' It's not a word you'd use around your grandma without feeling a little bit bad, but you'd use it around your relatively hip boss or your mom and dad. Sure, the root of the word is 'chingar,' but trying to equate it with 'fuck' in English is a stretch. There's a joint around the corner

I have to agree with other commenters here that the fact that several of the authors of this paper have walked the conclusions back, and there have been big corrections made to them, and that respected scientists are calling for retraction, should all have been mentioned by LH here. Based on what I've read, these

Cortado, Gibraltar, Piccolo. The drinks with a milk/coffee ratio in between a real macchiato and a cappucino are widely served at good coffee spots. Never heard of a "flat white," though.

I'd have to disagree. At least in the case of the Bradley story, he was absolutely spot-on. Experienced editors and journalists will I think agree that you kind of develop a feel for quotes and stories that are too-good-to-be-true. I remember the first time I read a Stephen Glass story (in Harper's magazine), and it

Vertical touchscreens are a crap interface in a car; this is an unbelievably bad idea. Buttons and knobs are eyes-free way of dealing with controlling interfaces, and we certainly don't want to be getting rid of them, unless it's for comprehensive and functional voice control.

Good lord, the announcer on that video sure knows how to celebrate a goal.

Funny, I thought it was the Croats who were insanely thuggish in this match. And what, three blatant handballs too? I will however concede that Rafa Marquez sigue siendo un asshole beyond compare.

Out here on the west coast most of us cheer for Mexico almost as enthusiastically as for the USMNT. I think the Mexico hate on here is just people channeling their inner racist mostly. Definitely the case in that uproxx article. I suspect what was written in there was mostly made up.

Sarcasm? After the massive bribery that bought the world cup for Qatar, a "nation" of a few hundred thousand citizens (and a million or so guest-worker-slaves), a "nation" that does not know how to play football at all, there surely cannot be any FIFA reputation left to ruin.

anecdotally in San Francisco at least, it is objectively huge and by no means confined to Hispanic audiences.

and failing to block the last shot that cost us the win.

Bradley had some visible erk moments (see gif above), but I would disagree that he sucked. He was super present and sometimes really essential.

Until the US advances, they will never get scrutinized, period.

I blame Geoff Cameron, possibly without any basis.

Bradley was essential for most of the game, unlike vs Ghana. But yes.

Am I right, was it that asshole Geoff Cameron who should have had the block on that second PT goal?

Most positive thing to say about the quality is that it was a very sportsmanlike game on both sides. Especially given the number of injuries. It was nice to see both sides being respectful and not allowing frustration to keep them from playing professionally. Portugal being an obvious counterpoint.