Definite Butterface here.
Definite Butterface here.
I gotta say I love the "OH SHIT" look on Adre Iguodala's face when he realizes he got shook by Chandler Parsons who is flying in for a potential game-winning dunk.
I mean, if this results in the Rams moving to Los Angeles, though, then it was a bad thing. Right?
Watching is one thing. Having a rooting interest beyond gambling is another.
Man, before I had a kid, I was ABSOLUTELY one of those d-bags. I was in all the categories: You shouldn't take your kids to a sporting event if they aren't old enough, to a restaurant, on an airplane, on a bus, on a train.
Duke or not, I think it's ridiculous for anyone to be a fan of a college team when they didn't go to that college.
Seriously, though.
And if Jay would be so happy to "break" the story of a gay NFL player in two seconds, what does it say about him that he's been sitting on THE ONLY COPY OF THE SPYGATE TAPE IN EXISTENCE?!
Two questions:
Right? Chibuku has become one of my obsessions.
Well sure, but you know that's not going to happen. It'd be in addition to the already ridiculous commercial breaks.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
Just a quick question -
+Offer and Acceptance
So how many years in a row do I have to win my fantasy baseball league before I get a hall of fame vote?
LOLzz!1 Stop bein such a HATER!
Sadly, not only does nobody in Buffalo give a shit about the Knicks, most of the Buffalonians I met during my ten years there actively dislike the game of basketball.
Ain't that the fucking truth.
What are you talking about? Everyone still loves Alex Rodriguez, right?