
I’d love to hear from one of the actors featured in this ad.

It’s really quite brilliant, if you think about it, in a near Trump-level of bigotry and hatred kind of way. He gets to attack brown people as well as dirty liberal lawyers and journalists all at the same time.

Whether they believe their bullshit or not both of them are proven carnival barkers. There is no way they can be that intelligent and not see the hypocrisy in their anti-immigrant stances. It must take all their energy to constantly explain away why their situation is different.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t get to say shit about illegal immigration, not one word. You know how many illegal Cuban immigrants there are in the US? None, because it’s not possible to be an illegal Cuban immigrant in the US. The US immigration policy towards Cuba is that if you get 1 foot on US soil, you’re here

She wasn’t asking for a cookie. She was saying that thanks to PLANNED PARENTHOOD, she has not had an unplanned pregnancy. She was a sexually active teen in a very religious household and she was still able to get important services that prevent pregnancy thanks to PP. She wasn’t patting herself on the back, she was

I read that as semi-sarcastic, also. Like the gestures widely is an acknolwedgement that its sort of a conceited and also extremely obvious thing to say. She’s just trying to say she’s lived her life the way she wanted to and it worked out, partly due to planned parenthood helping her prevent a pregnancy she didnt

I think she’s saying that she likely wouldn’t be as wildly successful at 25 had she gotten pregnant when she was a sexually active teenager and young adult, and the avoidance of such a pregnancy was due, at least in some part, to Planned Parenthood.

when i got my (totally free) IUD, i called my boyfriend shrieking with glee. when he understood what the full protection of an IUD meant for him, he was also shrieking with glee.

Let me guess... serious women aren’t allowed to be sexy too?

Cookie. Where are these cookies? I want a cookie. I was not told about these cookies.

First of all, are you serious? I can't always tell. I think for a woman growing up in her circumstances, having a child (especially out of wedlock) would have made it pretty close to impossible to succeed , especially in her field. There’s always a woman with kids that makes it big despite the odds (e.g., Loretta

I disagree, your logic is poor. “A and B” does not mean “If not A then not B.”

If one of your criteria for your own success is not having to parent a child in your 20s (and that is certainly one of mine) then you can’t. She doesn’t have to be demeaning mothers here, just saying that being a mother wouldn’t have matched her plans.

Yo, I wasn’t even poor when I hit up PP for my IUD, just medically disenfranchised by my shithead OB/GYN who first counselled me against the IUD because I was a newlywed and it would “annoy” her when I “inevitably came back a year later to have it removed,” then, when I insisted on having it, tried to get me to pony


No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

I’m glad she is publicly supporting PP.

Yes, how dare she, as a woman, be multi-dimensional and have multiple thoughts at once. shame.

She seems to be on a Jolie style trajectory of becoming more political and outspoken as she gains more power and I’m kind of loving it. I’d be shocked if she took it as far, but it looks like she’s having the same “maybe I should do something with all this attention I’m getting” lightbulb moment.